Page 41 of Tailwhip
Pulling up to the house, I get out and walk over to Ashlynn’s side and grab her hand to help her out. Walking up the walkway, I cover her eyes. “What are you doing?” she asks me while covering my hand with hers.
“It’s a surprise; I think you’ll like it!” Opening the door, it even exceeds my expectations of what I asked Nash’s mom to help me with. She has a ton of candles scattered all over the house; the fireplace is going; and it smells good in here from the dinner she has cooked for us! Leaning down right next to Ashlynn’s ear, I whisper, “Are you ready?”
The goosebumps don’t go unnoticed. “Yes, I am!” Moving my hand so she can see everything, she shouts, “Oh my gosh, Anthony. I don’t know what to say, this is, WOW!”
Walking further in, we sit and start to eat the giant dinner that has been cooked for us. “Steak and lobster for dinner. The lobster is for me, of course. I remembered you don’t like seafood. Dessert is fondue, milk chocolate and peanut butter.”
After I tell Ashlynn what we all have to eat, we dig in and it tastes so good. Nash’s mom is such a good cook.
“So, what are Nash’s parents’ names, just so I know before I meet them tomorrow?” After finishing my giant bite of steak and lobster, I fill Ashlynn in on all things Philips’ family.
“His mom is Valerie and dad is Barrett; they met in college and the rest is history, as they say.”
“I wonder how they came up with the name Nash. It goes good with their last name. Nash Philips.”
Finishing my bite and clearing my throat, I say, “According to Barrett, he is named Nash because he was conceived in Nashville when they were on a vacation during college.”
Ashlynn covers her mouth and laughs, almost choking on her food. Finishing up dinner, we devour the fondue. Once again, it is delicious. Ashlynn sits back. “I am stuffed! I ate way too much. Everything tasted so good.”
Pulling Ashlynn over to me, I kiss the corner of her mouth. “Let’s change into our comfy clothes and watch a movie, I have one of your favorites!”
Ashlynn is a movie person, so she’s probably wondering what favorite movie of hers I am talking about. She looks at me, “What movie?”
Smiling at her, I give her the worst Pauly Shore impression. “Son in Law!”
Making an excited sound, she says, “I am always up for a Pauly Shore movie night!”
While Ashlynn is changing, I get the couch ready and pull it out for the sleeper and cover it in blankets and a bunch of pillows. Once she comes down, we turn all the lights out and start up the movie.
10,000 Emerald Pools – Borns
It’s early when I wake up the next morning, roasting from the blankets and Anthony, who’s holding onto me for dear life. I somehow manage to wiggle out of his hold and sneak out the back door. It’s a clear morning, and even though we are not facing the east, I can still see the sunrise with the reflection on the water and hit just right on Mount Rainier.
Lost in my own thoughts, I don't hear the backdoor slide open as Anthony comes out, holding a cup of coffee in front of me. “Good morning, baby! How did you sleep?”
Grabbing the coffee and taking a sip, it tastes just how I like it. Turning to look up at Anthony, I say, “I slept well How did you sleep?”
Smiling while looking out at the ocean, “I slept really well; I’m just trying to figure out how you got out of my hold?”
I laugh at him. “I am just talented like that! You did have a death grip on me!” We sit for a few hours out on the deck, drinking coffee and eating the breakfast we cooked.
“So, do you have any plans for today, or are we just going to hang out until we head over to Nash’s house?”
Taking a bite of his waffle, Anthony just shakes his head. “No plans today; is there something you want to do?”
Smiling over at him, I say, “Well, I thought it would be nice if we went to Leavenworth for a few before the cookout. What do you think?” Since I was awake so early, I did look up this little German Town that is not too far outside of Seattle. I figured since the cookout isn’t until later this afternoon, it gives us something to do.
Finally answering me, Anthony says, “Yeah, we can go up there and check it out. I’ve never been there.”
After finishing up breakfast, we hop in the shower to get ready, but not before Anthony has his way with me by picking me up and fucking me against the tile. Once done, as I am putting my makeup on, I look at Anthony out of the corner of my eye. “I think we have a thing for showers!”
Giving me a sly smile, he says, “I don’t have a problem with that, especially when you let me do things to you! I really like getting you all lathered; that’s enough to make me hard!”
Finally, we’re ready to head out for the day. It takes a little over 2 hours to get up to Leavenworth, and it is worth it. It’s like this town was plucked right out of Germany! We walk around and look at every shop. After walking for a while, we stop in a restaurant to share a giant pretzel and enjoy the beer garden they have to offer. After finishing up there, we walk a bit longer, and I spot a bakery. I turn to Anthony, and he already knows what I want. “Yes, let’s go in and see what they have. You always have such a sweet tooth!”