Page 53 of Tailwhip
I try to place the name but can’t. That’s when Neha chimes in. “It does sound vaguely familiar, but I can’t think of from where.”
That’s when Officer Coleman places down a photo, and I know the face. “No fucking way.” Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth. “I’ve seen this girl. My team and I were doing a park tour for my BMX company and when we were in Philly, at FDR, she was there and in Austin, I am sure of it.”
Officer Lorenzo is taking notes, then looks up, “That would be true. She admitted to that when she was arrested after the assault on Miss Black. She stated that she followed the tour you did but stopped once you got into Colorado. She decided to stay behind and keep an eye on Ashlynn.”
I look over to Heath and Neha; both look just as confused as I feel right now. “What do you mean she admitted to that? When was she arrested?"
Officer Coleman starts speaking. “She was arrested right away. It’s strange, really. After she assaulted Miss Black, she just sat down next to her on the sidewalk. The gentleman who found them said she was just sitting there, saying, “I’m sorry.”
Neha is tapping her nails on the table, and I have to place my hand over hers because the sound is getting on my nerves right now. “Can you please just tell me what the hell is going on?”
Taking a deep breath and looking over at his partner, Officer Coleman continues. “You went to high school with her. She was a grade younger–came in mid-year–a military kid. She had a hard time making friends. Apparently, you two had an elective class, and no one wanted to partner up with her, but you did. She said that’s when the obsession started–said she never forgot that and how nice you were. Also, said she never understood why you liked Ashlynn so much because she just broke your heart senior year.”
More to myself than anyone, I say, “A stalker, what the hell?”
Officer Lorenzo nods his head. “She has been following your BMX career since you left, apparently, and when you came to Denver for the Extreme Tour in August, she thought it was fate, until she saw you with Miss. Black at a stand.”
I put my hands on the table, “This is crazy. You know how crazy this sounds, right? I am a BMX Rider; I’m not some major multi-millionaire movie star or rock star. I live a normal life.”
I turn to Neha, and she is looking just as confused, “Neha, do you remember her at all?”
She just shakes her head. “Her name is familiar, but I don’t remember her face.”
My mind is still trying to process all of this–a stalker. Is that possible? At that time, Officer Coleman stands and shakes our hands, “We will be back when Miss Black is awake. We will need to question her as well. Chances are she may not remember her either. Also, her father is high ranking in the military they will more than likely want to keep this quiet.”
After that, both Officer Coleman and Lorenzo leave the hospital.
All three of us are sitting at the table, stunned by the information we were just given. Heath places his elbows on the table and runs his fingers through his hair. “Why would she just sit there with her? That doesn’t make any sense.”
I straight do an Ashlynn move and just throw my hand up because I don’t know why she would do that. After sitting in silence for a while, Neha suddenly pushes her chair back, causing it to fall over. I turn to see where she is headed to, and Nick is starting to walk toward her. I think we all completely spaced it out that he was coming back in today. As soon as he wraps her in his arms, she completely breaks down. Once he has her calmed down enough, they walk back over to Heath and me. “Sorry I couldn’t get her sooner. Is Ashlynn going to be okay?” He asks me while still standing with Neha.
“Yeah, she is going to be okay. She is banged up pretty good, though. They have her sedated for the pain.”
Once Neha calms down, the three of them decide to go get Ashlynn’s truck from the coffee shop and drive it back to the hospital. I stay behind and just think about what the officers told us. Ashlynn got hurt because of me–because of what I chose to do with my life. I don’t necessarily live it in the spotlight, but if you are into BMX and follow it, you know who I am and know of the Overbear team. I knew something felt strange when we were in Philly, and now that I think back on it, that was her standing off to the side from the group of girls. Then, in Austin, I tried to convince myself it couldn’t be the same person, but sure enough it was. Now, Ashlynn is spending her birthday and Thanksgiving in the hospital. How can I even face Ashlynn now, knowing it is my fault she got hurt, permanently? She will have a scar down the side of her face to always remind her of the assault. I shouldn’t have been sleeping. If my phone wasn’t on silent–the one time I did that–I would have been at the coffee shop with her, and it all could have been prevented. But no, I failed her. The one person I never want to fail.
I don’t know how long I sit in the cafeteria, trying to process everything. Suddenly, Nick is back at the table, I didn’t even hear him sit down. “Hey, Where’s Neha and Heath?”
Taking a big drink of his soda, he says, “They went up to the room. Do you want to head up there?”
I shake my head at him. “I don’t know how I am supposed to face her, Nick. This is my fault. She texted me to meet her, and my phone was on silent.”
Blowing out a breath, he says, “Man, this wasn’t your fault. It could have happened even if you were there. You can’t blame yourself.”
I just stare straight out the window at the snow that hasn’t stopped falling since yesterday. “Listen, I gotta get out of here for a bit. Clear my head, think about some things. I’ll be back soon.”
I get up and leave before Nick has a chance to say anything to me. I know I should stay here and be with Ashlynn, but the guilt is tearing me up and I walk out of the hospital into the snow, with no direction on where I am going.
Disappearing – The War on Drugs
Opening my eyes, I feel the worst migraine I have ever felt in my life. I go to touch my head and feel the bandages on the side of my face. “What the hell?”
That’s when I look around and see the IV in my hand and realize I am in the hospital. I look over and see Mateo is sitting at my side. “Mateo, what happened?”
He jumps from hearing me, “Ash, oh shit, Ash! You’re awake!”