Page 63 of Tailwhip
After downing four and a half bottles, we finally decided to order pizza to help absorb some of this wine. Neha is gone; her topics are all over the place. Neha starts looking directly at me, “I’ve been thinking of what you should do about Ville–you know–Anthony.”
I just smack my forehead. I knew he would come up, but I really didn’t want it to be the first night. Cora and I look at each other, just laughing. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Neha this way. “Tell me, Neha, what should I do?”
She stands up on unsteady legs and in a slurred voice, she says, “Here are my six tips to make him miss you, even though I know he already does!” She points at me.
1. Focus on yourself
2. Limit contact
3. Socialize
4. Post on your social media
5. Be mysterious
6. Leave him wanting more, Ashlynn
I grab onto Neha’s arm and force her to sit down before she tumbles over. “Neha, don’t you think ‘posting on social media’ and ‘be mysterious’ kind of cancel each other out?”
She thinks about this for a minute. “Oh yeah, they kind of do, don’t they?!”
The pizza finally gets to the cabin, and I load up Neha’s plate and get her a bottle of water. We go back into the living room by the fire and eat. We eat in silence, until Cora breaks it. “How are you doing about everything, Ash?”
I lean back against the couch, sighing loud. “Do we really have to get into this now?” Talking with her mouth full, Neha tells Cora, “Oh no Cor, she won’t even talk to me or Heath about it.” Cora doesn’t press and I am thankful for that.
“Can I just say one thing, Ash? Maybe you and Anthony just aren’t meant for right now and will come back together when it’s right.” Cora tells me.
Neha is starting to sober up a bit after eating several slices of pizza or so it seems and drinking a couple bottles of water. “Ok, Cora. Is this new manager your dad found good looking? Like could he help you forget about shit stain Brock?”
I start laughing and throw a pillow over at Neha with how forward she is about everything. “I haven’t met him yet; my dad has done a few FaceTime meetings with him. I’m not sure when I’ll meet him.”
“I bet he’ll be hot,” Neha says.
Cora asks very quietly, “What do you mean by helping me forget about Brock?”
I’m a bit confused that she asked this, but then I start to think maybe things are worse than what I think. “I think what Neha is saying is that maybe he’ll be a good guy and can help show you what a good relationship could be like, if it were to go that far,” I tell Cora.
That’s when Neha giggles. “Oh, that’s not what I meant at all. I mean in the bedroom to forget about shit stain–have a real man in bed with you.”
Cora gets so red with this type of talking. I forget sometimes that she isn’t used to Neha’s bluntness when it comes to talking about sex.
Cora begins to tug on her bottom lip, a habit she's had since we were kids, whenever she's nervous. Taking a breath, she says, “Our sex life is pretty shitty, to be honest. We have sex, but it’s emotionless, and he always gets his, but tells me to finish myself off, or I’ll start feeling my orgasm come on and he pulls away to stop it.”
I want to go find Brock and murder this guy. She is bright red as she tells us this and this is nothing to be embarrassed about. “Oh girl, I would hurt Nick if he did that to me. Wouldn’t you be mad at Anthony if he did that to you–stopped you from having an orgasm, Ash?”
I can’t even try to keep my smile in and bite my bottom lip, “No, because Anthony has done that to me, while giving me the sexiest grin and then when he goes to give me back that orgasm, he makes sure it is toe-curling, back arching, nail digging most intense one I could ever have.”
There is nothing but silence after that confession. I am usually not one to talk so openly about my sex life; I do like to keep that private, but this is Neha and Cora. There is no judgment between us. “Shit, now I want Nick to do that to me. That sounds glorious,” Neha says.
“Well, someday maybe I can find someone to do that to me,” Cora chimes in.
We clean up our mess in the living room and kitchen to get ready to go to bed. Neha turns to us. “I am beat and probably will have a hangover, so you all can go snowboarding without me. I’ll just slow you down, anyway. Ashlynn, baby, sleep well. You too, Cora Bear.”
Now, she is just being an ass calling me that. Cora looks over at me. “Ashlynn, baby?”
Neha comes to a dead stop in the hallway. “Oh yeah, that name gets Ash all hot and bothered when Anthony says it to her. This is what it sounded like when he talked to her in August at the extreme tour after four damn years.” Neha clears her voice and does the worst impression of Anthony. “So, he comes up behind her, leans down right by her ear and says ‘Ashlynn, baby, let me see you.’” I feel my face go instantly red, when Neha continues, “It almost made my panties wet with how he said it; damn, that man loves you.” I am never letting Neha drink this much wine again, seriously no filter.
“It’s a good nickname, but I always liked peanut.” My eyes go wide with what Cora just said.