Page 66 of Tailwhip
Tailwhip (Album V) – Men I Trust
Neha was right. She woke up with a massive hangover, even though I thought she had sobered up enough. She was still able to get out of bed and come down into the village to find a spa for a massage while Cora and I go riding for the day.
We get to the lifts right as they open for the day at 8:30 AM. We got a beautiful clear day, which Cora calls a Bluebird Day, which is a term for a clear day after a storm where the sun is bright. I am by no means as good at snowboarding like Cora, but I am good enough to hang with her and make it down the mountains. I stay clear away from the park section that Cora likes to ride through every couple runs we do. Every time we have gotten to the bottom, she keeps daring me to try just one little baby jump and to that I tell her, “HELL NO!”
I have caught enough edges today and kissed enough snow already. Cora just laughs at me. “Seriously, they are not as scary as they seem. I bet you would be just fine!”
I shake my head to the point I get a bit dizzy. We have been riding all morning and stop to get some lunch. We meet Neha, who is looking a little more alive after her massage. She is waiting at a table for us. “Hey! How was the massage? You’re looking a bit more lively now!” I tease her.
She laughs at me. “Yeah, I feel a bit better. How is the snow?”
Cora and I say it at the same time. “Awesome!”
As we are all eating our lunch, my facial expression changes the moment I see Brock walk through the door. Neha and Cora have their backs to the door, so they notice the disdain all over my face. “What is up your ass all of a sudden, Ash?”
I just lift my chin in his direction. Neha turns slightly and then back around. “Well shit, there goes my good mood.”
Brock stops right at our table. “Cora, can I talk to you outside, NOW?!”
I can see her body go tense; that’s when Neha’s loud no filter mouth comes in handy. “Actually Brock, we are still eating, so you can wait.”
Cora looks over at Neha with wide eyes, and Brock lets out a cocky laugh. “Neha, I see you still haven’t figured out how to shut that mouth of yours up.”
Smirking right back, Neha says, “NOPE and I don’t plan to either!”
Brock doesn’t like the push back he is getting from Neha and finally turns and walks out. “He is such an asshole. When does he leave again?” I ask Cora.
“I think later today. My dad and I talked this morning before you two were awake. We are doing everything while he is out of town and we are also putting a restraining order in place. He is going to go ballistic. I honestly am a bit scared.”
I look out the window where Brock is standing just staring at Cora. “The restraining order is a good idea. This will be the best thing to do,” I tell Cora.
After we finish our lunch, Neha and I stand outside to keep an eye on Cora, even though we know Brock isn’t going to do anything in a public place.
That’s when Neha turns to me. “So, you want to tell me about you and Cora’s brother? How did I not know about that?”
I smile over at Neha. “I didn’t think you caught on to any of that. I will tell you later, I promise.”
Neha gives me the side eye. “I am holding you to that! Also, how would you feel about cooking us a taco bar tonight? You cook them the best!”
I just laugh at Neha. “I guess so; I am assuming you also want fresh salsa and guacamole?”
Throwing her hands up, she says, “Is there any better kind?!”
Finally, Brock leaves Cora. As she is walking back to us, I can see the tension leaving her the further away she gets from him. “You, okay?” I ask her.
“Yeah, I am good. Even more so knowing the slap in the face he is about to get! Let’s go do a few more runs and call it a day!”
We turn to Neha and all of us decide to meet in the same spot once Cora and I finish up. Before heading back to the lifts, Neha tells Cora, “Prepare for Taco bar tonight, told you I could talk her into making them!”
Cora’s eyes go wide, “YES!!!”
As we make our final run of the day, I reluctantly let Cora convince me to attempt my first jump on a snowboard. I am terrified, mainly because I don’t want to fall on the landing and break something. Cora and I are standing near a smaller jump and off to the side, so we are not in anyone’s way. She is telling me exactly what to do, when out of nowhere, we are both covered in snow.
I look at Cora. “Are you freaking kidding me?”