Page 77 of Tailwhip
After Nash and I finish riding around, I head back inside to my attic to try to search for an old pair of gloves that I would ride with when I first started out. The only problem is, I cannot remember which box I have them in. As I am about to open my third box, I hear more than a few different voices downstairs, when suddenly, they all scream “ANTHONY, WHERE YOU AT?”
I just shout back “ATTIC.”
Before I know it, the team is sitting in my attic talking to me while I look for my gloves. Finally, the fifth box is the charm. I pull out my old torn up pair of checkered gloves that have the faintest writing on the white palms. “Man, I haven’t seen those things in forever. Probably not since you started!” Nash says.
“I know; I have been looking for them. I want to wear them at the next few competitions.”
I set them on the floor, when Jax picks them up and looks at them. “Why does it faintly say “Always” on the left and “Always” on the right?”
I grab them from Jax and look at the palms, smiling. “Ashlynn bought these for me during our senior year of high school for Christmas. She already wrote that on there before I opened them.”
Jax just looks at me with a look that I need to explain further. “Always, Always, is what Ashlynn would tell me, so this is the best thing I can think of for a grand gesture for her at this point. After each competition, I am going to be sure to either show it on the TV or post to my Instagram page, so she knows I am thinking of her.”
Mateo slaps me on my shoulder. “I like it, but what else are you going to do?”
I haven’t thought that far, but something that I have been contemplating is moving back to Colorado to be with her, if we work out. “I have an idea, but I am not sharing that as of yet,” I tell them.
Finally, Noah and I are heading out to Ohio for the indoor park show. I am excited to watch what he has in store for this competition. He told me he has been working on a few things that he will be doing here but won’t elaborate further on them. When we arrive at the warehouse, Noah and I find a spot and inspect his bike to make sure everything looks and feels right. I would hate for him to bust a tire, rim, or his chain break on his day. After looking over everything, I head over to the booth for the announcers. Once up there, I am introduced to Greg and Colin, who are both a big part of the BMX community.
Once in the booth, they ask me a few questions before it gets started. “So, Anthony, it was noted that at the start of the year you stepped back for personal reasons. Do you want to elaborate on that at all?”
I let out a small laugh. “Honestly, I had someone close to me get hurt, and the guilt tore me up. I was drinking more than I should have been. So, I thought it was in the best interest for me to get away. That’s all I will say about that right now.”
Neither of them was expecting me to say that; then, they change the question to Noah. “Noah is one of the newest members on the Overbear team. What made him stand out to bring him on?”
I think about this for a minute, “Noah reminded me a lot of myself when I started out. We have very similar riding styles. He also does have his own unique flair as well. He and Mateo are both great riders. I am glad we signed them both.”
That is the end of the questions, because now it is time for the riders to start.
There are about twenty riders all together, and Noah is up as number fifteen. I am on the edge of my seat to watch him because he wouldn’t tell me what he has been practicing for this. Dropping In, he does a decade over the hip, next throwing a no handed front flip over a rail, which has the crowd screaming. I am even amazed at that. Riding back around the park, he comes back to that same rail for an icepick hangover to a manual to a tailwhip down the ramp. As Noah is finishing up, Greg is talking through all his tricks. “I can’t believe this kid; he rides clean and effortlessly. I don’t think I have seen such a clean no-handed front flip in a long time. Let’s see what he has in store for the finisher.”
Right then, Noah comes down the ramp and pulls a flair, no, not just a flair–a triple flair. The whole park erupts because that is the first time anyone has done that in a competition, and he pulled it off like he has done it a thousand times. Greg, Collin, and I all erupt in the booth. “Holy shit, a triple flair! As the owner of Overbear, you must have known he was working on that trick.”
I am shaking my head at them. “I didn’t even know he was practicing that. I am just as surprised as you all are. I can’t believe that.”
That’s when Greg and Colin both say at the same time. “Noah Oliver is the newest Trendsetter in BMX!”
Of course, with that run and the triple flair finisher, Noah took first place.
Noah was asked to sign on with a shoe company while we were in Ohio, and the funny thing is, it is the same company that signed me after one of my first major shows. I make sure to send a picture to the whole team group chat, letting them know Noah kicked ass, along with the video I got of him doing his triple flair. Once we get back to Greenville, the only person at the house is Jax, since Mateo and Nash are in Colorado. Clay, Grady and Chase are all in their home states visiting family. Noah’s only worry is to call his parents to see if they watched him and to let them know he picked up an additional endorsement. I even talk to his mom, and she just thanks me because I am helping him achieve his dream. I get a little jealous that he has a great support system, but at the same time, I am happy for him.
Later that night, after Jax and Noah both decided to have a competition in Mario Kart for hours on end. I end up going out to my ramps and do some riding myself. I even try to pull off a triple flair, but cannot quite get it down. After about four tries of not getting it, I set my bike down on the deck and enjoy the quiet of the night. That is, until my phone alert goes off for a new text message. I grab my phone and look at who it is. I fumble and end up dropping my phone down the ramp because I am so shocked at who it is. I slide down, grab my phone, lay on the curve, take a deep breath, and open the new message.
Breaking the Broken – Sparta
I don’t know what compels me to text Anthony. After I saw the pictures and reel of Noah’s first place ride. I just wanted to send him a message and I know it’s probably not a message he wants, but I know he will like it because it’s from a song we would listen to in high school.
I still haven’t called him, and I have been wanting to. However, I have been pulled in all directions since being back from Vancouver for the book. It also looks like he has been extremely busy with back-to-back competitions. I just push it back, knowing that we will come back together when the time is right. Mainly, that time will–hopefully–be in Santa Cruz. I talked with Mateo recently and he asked me if I would still come watch him because, of course, his dad will not be coming, and he doesn’t think his brother will be there for him. So, of course, I won’t hesitate to be there to support Mateo. I will also make sure to watch Anthony ride both park and dirt.
Neha and Heath are over at my house helping me get all the books signed, packaged, and sent off. We have an assembly line going and a good rhythm. We are all just talking and laughing when my doorbell rings. We stop what we are doing, look at each other, and wonder who it could be since we are all sitting here, in my den?
Heath gets up to answer the door, and he comes back to the den, “Ash, I think you need to come see who is here.”
I start to shake, thinking it’s Anthony and my mouth gets dry. I stand up on shaky legs and walk to the front door, only, to my surprise, it is Nash and Mateo. I’m slightly disappointed that it is not Anthony, but I’m also happy to see the guys.