Page 85 of Tailwhip
I shake Cora’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Cora. Was it you who filmed Ashlynn snowboarding and her faceplant?”
She instantly burst out laughing.. “Oh my gosh. Yes, I totally did that. It was hilarious!”
I start to laugh at how embarrassed Ashlynn looks. “It was the effort that counted, right?”
I look at her. She just rolls her eyes at me. It’s like we haven’t missed a beat, minus the small barrier between us.
“By the way, Anthony, you were awesome on the ramps. I have never been to a BMX contest, and I am literally blown away by what you all did on your bikes. I can’t wait to watch the dirt contest tomorrow!” Cora tells me.
Right then, Chase sits next to me, pushing me on the shoulder, “Don’t gloat about him too much; otherwise, he’ll get a big head!”
I flip off Chase and just shake my head. I have a strong feeling they are all just giving me a hard time right now. Chase stands and asks Cora if she would like to go walk on the beach with him. Cora looks extremely shy about leaving with Chase. Ashlynn turns to her. “Cora, go and have fun. Chase is a good one!”
Cora quickly nods her head, and they head toward the beach. Before they get too far, I quietly lean to Chase. “That’s Ashlynn’s best friend; you better be good to her.”
Nodding, Chase leans in. “Dude, I haven’t been alone with a girl in a long ass time. I don’t know what came over me asking her this, but it kind of feels right.”
As they walk off, I notice Mike from 360 Energy walking over and I excuse myself and walk to him.
“Anthony, my dude! Nice run, that front flip no handed flair was insane!” I tell Mike thanks for watching. “Are you free for a minute? There are a couple kids at the tent that want to meet you and possibly get autographs and pictures. The other team members should come, too!”
I turn around and tell the guys. They all agree, and we set off toward the tent, leaving Ashlynn, Neha, and Nick.
“I’ll be right back, I promise,” I tell Ashlynn before I leave with everyone. We get over to the 360 tent and it is not just a few kids–there is a long line of people of all ages. I tell myself to be patient and to let my mind relax while we do this. It takes almost an hour and half to get through the whole line, along with Mike wanting a picture of all of us in the 360 Energy/Overbear shirt that was made for our partnership. After we are done, all the guys leave, but I turn and walk a different way back to the tent. It is close to 10:30 and I am beat from the day of riding and just being out in the sun.
I stop between our two tents we have so no one can see me, and I overhear Ashlynn. “Do you think they will be back soon? I am starting to get tired and am fading!”
Nick shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know. I can tell Anthony you left because you are tired. He’s not going to be mad!”
Ashlynn looks around and perks up when she sees the team walking toward them, but her excitement fades when she realizes I am not among them. “Nick, just tell Anthony I’ll see him tomorrow.”
She starts to walk away to leave, and I am frozen in my spot.
“Dude, what the hell are you doing? Are you really going to let her leave without saying anything?” I turn slightly and look at Nash. “Stop waiting for the right time and just do it!”
He shrugs his shoulders at me like, ‘get going, dude.’ I take a deep breath and make a beeline to Ashlynn. As I pass the table everyone is sitting at, I only hear Neha, “Yes Ville!!! You go get your girl!”
I just smile and shake my head, because I have only one thing on my mind at this moment.
Wait for Me – Kings of Leon
As I start making my way toward the entrance of the venue, I start to feel bummed that Anthony and I didn’t get more time alone. However, I know he is busy with this competition. Not only with his riding, but the other guys as well. As I am walking my phone starts ringing, and it is Heath.
“Hey Heath! Are you at the airport already?”
“Yeah, we are getting ready to board. I just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know to have fun and see you when you get home!”
Once I hang up from Heath, I swear I hear someone yell my name. I look around and don’t notice anyone right away. I take a few more steps and that’s when I hear his voice so clear, as if the crowd’s noise faded away.
Ashlynn, Wait…
I don’t make a move while facing the entrance still. I wait, and that’s when I feel Anthony behind me, wrapping me in his arms in a tight embrace and pulling me into him. My body molds to his. I bite the inside of my cheek because I can feel my eyes starting to get teary. Anthony rests his forehead against me; I feel him take a deep shaky breath.
“I am so fucking sorry for everything. All the shit I said, I didn’t mean any of it. If you were a distraction, you are the best one to have and the only one I ever want to be distracted for,” he says, with his voice cracking.