Page 89 of Tailwhip
Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, I say, “Heath told me, so I could buy a ticket and come home with you!”
Ashlynn’s eyes go wide. “You and Heath have been talking this whole time?”
Kissing her forehead, I say, “Yes, we have been talking and before you ask because I know it is on the tip of your tongue–Frisco, baby! That’s our home.”
Ashlynn shoots up after I tell her that. “What about your house in Greenville?”
Tilting my head, I say, “I signed it over to Chase. My home is with you, Ashlynn, and your home is in Frisco.”
Smiling wide, Ashlynn straddles me and lays on my chest and I hug her tightly.
After, we leave my room and drive to Ashlynn’s hotel for her to get ready and pack up. On the elevator, Ashlynn looks at her phone and I lean into her. “Do you have as many missed calls and texts as I did?”
Shaking her head at me, she says, “Yep! All from Neha, mainly. A couple from Nick. All asking where I am and if I found you.”
I smile at her, “Hell yeah you found me!”
We stand in silence as the elevator ascends to her floor, and when the doors open unexpectedly, we are greeted by a surprising sight. Chase and Cora are standing together, hand in hand. Each of them quickly let go, looking like a couple of kids who are dating in secret. “Hey Chase and Cora!” I say to them.
Cora turns bright red and Chase answers. “Hey, you two, I see things are good again!”
Right then, Ashlynn takes my hand and starts to pull me away. “You two go have a good day, and we will talk to you later!” Ashlynn tells them.
We get into her room. “What were those two doing together?” I ask.
Ashlynn just shrugs her shoulders at me. She then hops in the shower to freshen up, and I can’t help myself and join her. I kiss her back and slowly lower my hand and start playing with her nipples. God, I missed those piercings. I continue my way down and lightly play with her clit. Then, I slip a few fingers in her. As usual, my girl is wet and ready for me. “Ashlynn, bend over and let me have you!”
She does, and it feels amazing. I will never get tired of this.
After finishing, Ashlynn gets everything packed. We check out, heading to the airport to fly home to Frisco and finally start our life together.
Follow You – Bring Me the Horizon
Back home in Frisco, Anthony and I instantly made a comfortable life. I have since started outlining my second book, and he continues with his competitions and looking for new riders to bring onto the team. Shortly after Santa Cruz, he brought on MaHailey Gordon as the first female rider for the Overbear team. After a week of being back, we headed out toward Greenville to pack up his things and move them to Colorado, as a final step of completely living together.
The drive takes two days to get there, each of us taking turns driving. Once we finally make it to the house, I notice a few different cars in the driveway. “There are a lot of people here.”
Right when I say that, I can see who exactly is here. The team is out back riding the ramps, and Mateo is on the dirt jumps. Pulling me out of my thoughts, I hear Anthony say, “The team is always around! Nothing new here.”
He grabs my hand and leads me toward the house. Once inside, we walk toward the kitchen, where Chase is sitting, talking on the phone and gets off quickly to greet us. “Hey! You guys made it. How was the drive?”
I reply before Anthony. “It was very long!”
After I tell that to Chase, I notice Anthony snuck away and is out back, riding with the team. I must have a sad look on my face watching him, because Chase clears his throat. “He won’t regret leaving, Ashlynn–don’t worry. He’s thought about this for a while.”
I turn to Chase. “He doesn’t have this in Frisco, though. We have the bike park, but that’s not his own. I just don’t want him to regret it down the road.”
Chase gets another phone call before we can finish talking, and I just stand and watch all the guys ride.
After about an hour of riding, everyone comes inside and says hi. Anthony and I visit for a bit before heading to his former bedroom and start packing up. He is only bringing his clothes and bikes, along with some other things. He leaves all his furniture for Chase. I am quiet as we pack up; as I am folding his shirts, he stops me. “What’s wrong? You have been quiet since we started.”
I shake my head at him. “Nothing, I’m just focused on packing!”
Setting a box down, he walks over to me and pulls me into his arms. “Don’t hide from me; what’s wrong? Remember what I said. You can tell me anything.”