Page 112 of Our Own Light
Ollie snatched Floyd’s hand and kissed it. Floyd tried to concentrate on relaxing, and the kindness in Ollie’s eyes helped him not feel so bad about how much time was passing. Eventually, once Floyd felt more comfortable, Ollie shifted his hips forward, pushing the rest of his member inside. Thankfully, there was no pain, only fullness.
Floyd nodded encouragingly. “It ain’t hurting no more. Go ahead.”
When Ollie started to rock his hips, Floyd finally relaxed. Because holy heck, it felt incredible. Even with Ollie’s soft movements, Floyd started losing himself in their love, every one of Ollie’s light thrusts bringing a new wave of pleasure, each rippling throughout his body and making his head swim.
“Does it feel nice?” Ollie asked sweetly, his forehead etched with concern.
“Better than nice,” Floyd said. “I love it.”
“You can try harder if you want.”
With Ollie’s next thrust, Floyd sucked in a breath, his hands twisting the sheets. Ollie must have been encouraged by that because he kept up with the harder and faster pace. Floyd closed his eyes and let the world fall away until the only thing that existed was the beautiful feeling of fullness.
Minutes later, while Floyd was still lost in his bliss, Ollie clutched tight to Floyd’s shoulder and pushed forward more forcefully, and his thrust caused a sudden surge of pleasure to streak through Floyd’s body like lightning. Enlivened by the sensation, a ragged moan tumbled forth from his lips. Ollie’s hand came to rest on his cheek.
“Shhh, you’re being too loud,” Ollie scolded, though there was a levity in his voice.
“I know, I know,” Floyd breathed, still barely keeping it together. “But, Ollie, I’m so close.”
“Really?” Ollie asked, pausing for a moment. “But you’re not even touching yourself.”
Immediately reeling from the lack of movement, Floyd placed his hands on Ollie’s hips. Without even thinking, he tried to urge Ollie to move again.
“Please,” he said, a pleading edge to his voice. “More.”
“God, I’ve never seen you like this,” Ollie said, that teasing hitch in his tone that Floyd knew all too well. “Is it really that—”
“Ollie, please,” Floyd begged, still pathetically trying to move Ollie’s hips.
“Alright, sheesh,” Ollie chuckled, punctuating that “sheesh” with a rough thrust that coaxed forth another one of Floyd’s moans. He knew Ollie was fixing to scold him, even before the next “Sweetheart, shhh!”
But somehow, Floyd couldn’t bring himself to care. Ollie continued to fuck him, and Floyd continued to moan, pressure and pleasure mixing and building, causing his cock to throb. For a moment, Floyd considered touching himself, but he couldn’t even fathom focusing on something other than these current sensations, every one more intense than every other he had experienced in his life.
Ollie’s next forceful thrust sent Floyd over the edge.
“Oh, God, Ollie,” Floyd cried out, his cock starting to pulse. “Oh, fuck.”
His cock was still pulsing when Ollie let out a moan. Floyd opened his eyes to see Ollie’s face contorted with pleasure, his eyes squeezed shut, blond hair a mess.
“I’m coming, too,” Ollie rasped, holding tight to Floyd’s thighs.
Feeling Ollie empty himself inside him, Floyd let out a long breath and murmured, “Dang, Ollie, that feels so nice, you coming inside me like that.”
Ollie seemed a bit lost for a few seconds, recovering from his pleasure with a faraway look in his eye, before he said, “Yeah? Good. Because I... wow, yeah, we need to keep doing that.”
Chuckling, Floyd scrambled to find Ollie’s hand.
“I love you,” Floyd said, squeezing it, thinking ’bout how wonderful everything was. Especially Ollie. “You’re perfect.”
“I’m really not.”
“You really are. You’re perfect, silly—the perfect man for me.”
“I love you.” Ollie’s smile broadened. “Even though that new nickname you came up with is completely terrible. I love you so much, sweetheart.”
He was looking at Floyd with such wonderment, it sent Floyd’s heart a-flutter. Afterward, Ollie snuggled up on top of him, resting his head atop Floyd’s chest. Floyd stroked his soft yellow hair and spent the whole next hour wide awake, excited for their future.