Page 116 of Our Own Light
“It was nothing. Just had to ask Aunt Betty who had purchased it.”
“I hope it wasn’t too expensive to retrieve it.”
“Don’t worry, the collector was reasonable.”
“Gosh, I love it so much,” Floyd said, sniffling while he studied the coin some more, rotating it in his hand.
Oliver leaned in to nuzzle Floyd’s nose. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so happy you like it. I was worried. You know, I think I understand what you mean about the copperhead now.”
“Well, when I was waiting for your reaction, it felt like my insides were twisting together, and I had the thought that maybe Matt was upset with me.”
“Oh, Matt’s probably mad because he never bought me nothing this thoughtful,” Floyd said, and Oliver was so happy to see how Floyd could talk about Matt so easily now. “Or maybe he was mad that I wasn’t reacting the right way.” Floyd kissed him once more. “Don’t worry about Matt, you hear?”
“Don’t worry that I won’t like whatever else you ever buy for me neither.”
“Even if it’s the latest and best phonograph? One that costs a whole bundle of money?”
“Even then.”
“Even if it’s—”
“Sweet, silly Ollie,” Floyd said, interrupting. “Yes. Even then.”
“But you have no idea what I was fixing to say.”
“I know, but I promised myself I wouldn’t argue with you about money no more. I think buying this house—this home—helped me with that. I reckon we love each other too much to keep squabbling over money.” Floyd reached up to caress Oliver’s cheek with the back of his fingers, still clutching the Flying Eagle in his palm. “You and me are forever. We’re family.”
Oliver snatched Floyd’s hand and kissed it.
Eight months later . . .
While Ollie and Jo cleaned up in the kitchen, Floyd and Effie were sitting on the floor across from each other in the living room with a chessboard between them. Even though it had only been a couple of weeks since Effie had taught Floyd how to play, Floyd was already becoming a bit of an expert, which seemed to bother both Effie and Ollie to no end, but in a playful sort of way. Floyd could kind of tell that they were having fun playing with him, even if he had nearly beaten both of them by now. Ollie said that he and Effie ought to try to soak up the victories while they still could because they wouldn’t last much longer.
Furrowing her brow with what looked like intense concentration, Effie moved a piece.
“Remember, you ain’t allowed to take that back,” Floyd taunted.
“Stop it, Floyd,” Effie chastised, one corner of her mouth turning up a bit, which told Floyd that she was fighting a smile. “I know you’re just trying to scare me.”
“Naw, never.” Floyd moved his rook and captured Effie’s bishop. “See.”
“Am I supposed to feel better that it was a real warning?”
“Of course.”
As Effie sighed, Ollie and Jo came back from the kitchen.
“Thank goodness,” Effie said, pushing herself to stand. “I need a break from playing. Do you want to take over for me, Oliver?”