Page 39 of Hazard
She lifted her hips and his big body shuddered. He buried his face against her neck, his ragged breath hot and damp against her skin. “Leigh, tell me you’re ready for this, that you won’t have regrets, that this isn’t something you’re trying to use to deal with your fear and pain. I can’t—I won’t—compromise you. I won’t participate in that kind of shit no matter how much I want to fuck you.”
In the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but think if this need for him was her way of showing she was coming to life after being in limbo for a long time or if she was just tired of her own bullshit. The authenticity of her feelings felt so damn good. It made her gasp softly against his mouth.
She released a soft breath, completely undone by him. “I wouldn’t have initiated anything with you to hurt you in any way or to compromise you. I’m so in awe of your humbleness, even when you do heroic and aggressive things like expose yourself to enemy fire and jump on a fifty cal, whatever that is, and save your team.”
Hazard bent his head and dragged his hand across his eyes, then inhaled raggedly. He looked away, the muscles in his throat convulsing, and she nearly broke down before she got the words out.
“That would tear out my heart and break me beyond repair. You are the kindest, most caring and giving guy I have ever met, and I want you so badly. Conde didn’t take anything from me, not a thing. Even if he had succeeded, he still would have gotten nothing. I was saving it all for you, just you.” She took a hard breath. “It was you who got me through all of it. I knew you’d come for me.”
His gaze came back to hers. “Ah, geezus, Leelee,” he whispered, his face contorting with raw emotion as he reached for her, cupping her face. Then he tipped her head back and slowly lowered his lips, and Leigh made a helpless sound and let her eyes drift shut. Exerting pressure on her jaw, he opened her mouth, then covered it in a wet, deep, searching kiss that drove every ounce of strength out of her body. Working his mouth hungrily against hers, drawing her hips even closer, sent her into a frenzy as the well of need for this man seemed endless.
He thrust against her, his erection straining the front of his briefs. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, all she could do was hang on and ride out the thousand sensations exploding in her. Hazard caught her by the hips and molded her flush against him, his mouth wide and hot as he ran his hand under the T-shirt, bunching it in his hands and dragging her closer.
He abruptly ended the kiss and looked down, his eyes flaring. “Is this…mine?”
“Yes,” she whispered, tenderness as well as a frightening vulnerability revealed in not only the act of wearing his shirt but the meaning behind it.
He closed his eyes, a deep, tortured groan rumbled up from his throat. “Goddamn, Leelee.” He let go of the fabric as he ran his hand up her back, emitting a low sound of approval when he encountered nothing but bare skin. Sliding his hand up her bare torso, he cupped her breast, stroking her with his thumb.
His touch drove the breath right out of her, and she made another helpless sound against his mouth, hardening her nipples even more, her breasts swelling. Hazard tightened his arm around her back and dragged his mouth away, his breathing labored. Her heart racing and her pulse thick and heavy, she turned her face against his neck, the warmth of his hand filling her with a heavy weakness.
“Geezus, babe, you feel so good,” he whispered raggedly, dragging his fingers against her hardened nipple. With one passionate move, he stripped the garment off her, captured her wrists, and drew her hands over her head. She had a dangerous flash of how she’d been restrained but told herself that Hazard was the only safe haven in the storm. He would never hurt her. Her breasts rose and fell with each quick breath, her nipples tightening into aching, throbbing points, as flushed as the rest of her half-naked body.
He stared at her, his eyes darkening, and she arched her back against the electric chemistry between them. He didn’t even have to physically touch her for her to hunger and her body react.
A small moan escaped her lips, a needy sound that Hazard absorbed. He clasped his hand around her breast, plumping the nipple, then his thumb zinged across the hard, aching knot, stroking and swirling around her aureoles, rasping across her tight, aching bud again—gentle at first, then harder, firmer, creating an unbearable agonizing sensation that spiraled straight down to the hot, wet center of her.
She groaned in surrender and anticipation of feeling his mouth on her. The wanting made her weak. When his hot mouth engulfed her nipple, sucking her deep, the pleasure was so immense, her entire body shuddered, and she cried out.
He took his time savoring her, driving her to a feverish pitch, until he abruptly changed to her other stinging, throbbing nipple, sucking and using his tongue with a thoroughness that went on and on. Dragging his mouth away, he shuddered and turned his head against hers, the muscles in his back bunching as he flexed his hips against her.
She reached down to touch him, slid her hand between cotton and hard, hot man, her fingers lingering over the broad, velvet head of his shaft. He sucked in a hissing breath, thrusting into her hand as she closed over all that thick, pulsing power. She wanted all of him, every inch. She rose up and pushed him back in a feverish move that caught him completely off guard. When his back hit the mattress, she had her hands in his boxer briefs so tightly, her fists were white. She pulled hard at the same time he lifted his hips, and it took her seconds to get rid of that barrier to her eyes.
Damn…oh, freaking wow. She could barely breathe. As if his gorgeous, muscled body, lean and powerful—thick through his chest, rippling his abs, the strong, sexy column of his throat, his stubbled jaw, and those sexy hip muscles bisecting his lower torso—his hot blue eyes, and the melting beauty of his face wasn’t enough, his male anatomy would keep a woman busy for as long as he could stand it. If she hadn’t been crazy for him before, she was almost out of her mind with desire. His erection jutted out, thick and hard, and more than enough to fill her full, and then some. The head, smooth and broad, drew her eyes and her mouth, his balls drawn tight from his arousal.
She wanted to spend the next hour just touching him, stroking him, and exploring everything that made him so virile and potently male.
Just like her, he groaned and closed his eyes, shuddering from the way she looked at him, and it went to her head like a delicious drug, making her pulse trip all over itself, the delicious sight of his body instigating a hungry ache through her veins.
“Geezus, Leelee,” he whispered, his ragged breathing harsh in the silence of the room. “Do something before I go insane.”
Settling between his legs, she leaned forward and captured one of his rigid nipples between her lips. She laved the erect nub of flesh with her tongue and grazed the tip with the edge of her teeth. A groan rumbled up from his chest as she traversed her way lower, spreading hot, wet kisses on his taut, flat belly. Finally, she came to his thick, straining erection. She wrapped her fingers around the hard, velvet-textured length of him, and felt him pulse in her tight grip. Her other hand cupped his sack and kneaded him. She smoothed her finger over the big, plumb-shaped head of his cock.
She looked up at him from between her tangled lashes and said, “You’ve often called me mouthy. Let’s see what else I can do with it besides argue.”
His nostrils flared, and stark desire heated his eyes. “Fuck…Leelee. Fuck,” he growled as she took him in her wet mouth, his skin hot and salty against the stroke of her tongue. He shuddered and tangled his hands in her hair, and she sucked him, taking him as deep as she could. She pleasured him with her mouth, teased him with her tongue, and aroused him to a fever pitch of need that made his entire body shake with the restraint of trying to hold back.
“Oh, geezus,” he breathed as he uncontrollably thrust his hips against her mouth and lips, guttural sounds that made her ache for him in ways that went beyond the physical.
He pushed on her shoulders, and she reluctantly released him, aching to bring him to a full orgasm, but she needed him so badly between her thighs. She’d find time for that later.
Then he was upright, picking her up like she was nothing but a feather. His hands splayed wide on her back as he flipped her onto the mattress. Catching at the sides of her lace panties, he dragged them off, nearly ripping them in his haste to get her naked. With quick, urgent movements he used his knee to widen her legs and dropped his tawny head down. His mouth grazed her collarbone, the tip of one breast, her midriff. The feel of his hot, damp mouth on her made her cry out, his firm, searing strokes against her core feeding her hunger. He closed his warm, wet mouth over her and plunged his tongue deep. This time she was rocking her hips in the throes of passion so deep, it shook her foundations. Then the pleasure took over, sharp and riveting, and stealing her breath, releasing like a rubber band and snapping back with such sharp, aching waves of unbelievable sensations. She lifted her hips as her orgasm clawed through her, ripples of pleasure ebbing and flowing until she was mindless, panting, intoxicated, and consumed.
The shudders within her blown mind and body seemed to go on and on, and before the last of the tremors subsided, Hazard was moving up and over her. He covered her body, all hard, lean muscles and barely suppressed hunger. In one long, smooth thrust he slid into her, and she lifted her knees high against his waist to give him the deepest access possible. Once he was buried to the hilt, he closed his eyes and groaned as her inner muscles clasped him tight.
She was sure he wanted to come in the worst way, but instead of pumping into her, he went still, as if relishing the moment, the warmth and softness of being inside her, and the aftermath of the internal contractions still buffeting her body.