Page 46 of Hazard
A haze of pure ecstasy fogged his mind, and he uttered a curse as he fell headlong into something so strong, his entire body clenched at the beginning of the hottest, most intense release he’d ever had.
She swirled her tongue over the crown of his dick, then gently sucked just the head, using her tongue against the sensitive tip, before plunging deep, encompassing every inch of him in that hot, clever, and determined mouth of hers and fucked him, fucked him, ah, geezus, fucked him until he came in a hot, wringing blast.
He stood there as the lukewarm water cascaded over him. He was incoherent, lost in such a sensual release, he could barely catch his breath. He braced his palms flat against the tiles, breathing around the pulsating waves of overwhelming pleasure. He could feel her against him, her soft beautiful curves pressed to him, enjoying the result of her sensual onslaught. His hips undulated into hers in uncontrollable thrusts.
Her hands slid over him, his shoulders, his chest, biceps, back as if she couldn’t stop touching him. He clenched his teeth, his heart hammering, his breathing so labored, he felt almost dizzy. He weakly rested his head against hers, his whole body quivering, sharply aware of her soft breasts pressed against his chest. He felt as if he had been wrenched in two. He managed to clasp the back of her head, shifting her so he could cover her mouth in a hot, deep tongue-tangling, open-mouth kiss, and she surrendered to him, melting his heart, her mouth moving against his with a less than sated hunger.
She broke the kiss, whispering his name over and over, kissing his neck, rubbing her face along his jaw as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He managed to shut off the water, still groping for his equilibrium.
He pulled away enough to look into her eyes, needed to see if there was something there he was craving more than her body.
He stared down into her eyes, and a shudder ran through him as her eyes suddenly turned dark and intent, then she exhaled sharply, a shiver sliding through her as if they were needing and experiencing the same damn thing…together. His chest banded with nothing but a searing joy. In those aching blue eyes were the answers he was looking for, that she desperately wanted him, that she couldn’t let go either, that what happened between them scared the shit out of her, too. He swore he saw her conclude that there was no turning back, that, like him, she had passed a point of no return, that he had claimed a part of her that she couldn’t take back.
His voice hoarse from the unbearable response to what he saw there, he whispered her name as he enfolded her in a crushing embrace, his arms like vises around her as he pressed his mouth to hers. Her hold was just as fierce, just as crushing.
Hauling in a ragged breath, something inside him broke open as this woman did something that nothing else could, not BUD/S, not hard-assed instructors, not numbing cold surf, and hard, abrading sand, not grueling PT meant to strip a man down, not Green Team, not even combat had been able to accomplish. She dropped him down to his knees. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his face to her belly, kissing her there, a feeling of overwhelming protectiveness rising in his chest as the rawest, most poignant emotions filtered through him.
Struggling with the thickness deep in his chest, he held onto her. He looked up at her, and she slipped her hands into his hair, caressing him gently as she struggled with the same raw emotions. So, no, there was no turning back, but whatever the future held with them as a couple was tenuous at best. They were dedicated professionals, and that was something they would have to work out, if they could. Nothing was ever guaranteed, no matter the desire. There was no way he could let her go. Not yet. Fuck, not yet. Likely not ever.
He waited a moment for the hard knot of emotion to ease, then he rubbed her spine. “Geezus, woman. You’re going to fucking kill me with that mouth of yours,” he whispered thickly.
“In and out of bed,” she whispered back, her hands still in his hair, her thumbs sliding over his temples. He caught a glint of amusement in her eyes, and her mouth lifted a little. “And to be fair, you are pretty damned irresistible and so damn quick-witted, especially when you’re pushing back all hard and aggressive. I love fighting with you, and sex with you is a whole new experience.”
“Damn, same here. Fuck me.”
“Gladly, but I think you’ll need to rest up there for a bit. I might have been harder on you than BUD/S.” He watched her, liking the way she held his gaze, liking the intimacy of the smile in her eyes. His strength returned in a rush of power, and he rose, making her squeal when he caught her up in his arms, hugging her to his chest. “Ooh, there’s that SEAL recovery. Ready again?” The sparkle in her eyes meant trouble, but her touch was soft and seductive. “Or do you need your Rocket Fins to, you know.” She raised her brows provocatively. “Propel you?”
He chuckled. “You’re a piece of work, you know that? Don’t ever underestimate me.” He lifted her off the floor and pushed her back against the tiles, her legs automatically wrapping around him, his dick going hard and aching as it settled between her thighs. Her eyes widened and her breath caught.
“I don’t need Rocket Fins to take you to new heights,” he growled, his body craving her all over again.
She laughed softly. “No, I think you’ve got all the equipment you need.”
Her breath hitched when he held her gaze, and he leaned in, opening his mouth over hers. “Give it up for me, babe.”
She yielded to the pressure of his mouth, and he adjusted the alignment of his hips, entering her in slow strokes, as he kissed her with lazy thoroughness. Working his mouth softly, slowly against hers, he drank from her, savoring the taste of her.
Her breath caught again, then she gasped when he dragged his mouth away from hers, arching her back and taking her nipple in his mouth as his hips thrust strongly into her. He flexed his hips, and she responded as helplessly as he had, tightening her muscles around him, and his mind clouded with desire. This time he was going to make it good for her. He was going to cement that look in her eyes that had mirrored his showing her how much he wanted this. Wanted her like no one had ever wanted her…unconditionally.
When they finally made it downstairs for lunch, after Leigh checked and then rechecked the window locks, Leigh paused in the lobby. Marines were coming through the door, kitted out and ready for battle. Each and every one of them was here not only to keep more Marines from dying but to bring the people responsible to their reckoning—whatever that would be.
She stood there, a bleak look coming over her as she searched all those young and determined faces. Her expression strained, it was clear she was wrestling with something, and he waited for her to work it out.
After several seconds, and aware of their time frame, he prodded, “Ready for breakfast?”
“Yes,” she murmured
Hazard glanced at her, wondering about the funny inflection in her voice. She had her hands by her sides, but they were clenched into fists, and he could see the tension in her. And a trace of…fear. She looked so damn vulnerable and so uncertain.
Then, her face just went utterly blank as if she saw no one and nothing except whatever was occupying her mind. His gut twisted at that look. “I’m starving,” he said.
She shuddered then snapped out of her zombie-like state. She looked at him for a moment, looked back at the Marines, then moved closer to him.
She smiled, but it was wan. “Me, too,” she murmured.
He hoped this would pass. She would process everything and return to normal. Leigh was tough as nails, yet he couldn’t shake his uneasiness. “We have a briefing in like thirty minutes. We better move it.”