Page 54 of Hazard
“The infamous Nacho.” Ignacio Siachoque was standing with a younger Astrid and a teenage girl who was obviously dressed for her graduation night. They looked very cozy.
“Hmm,” Strekoza picked up the frame and then looked at them. “Who’s the girl?” She brought the frame closer to her eyes. “Oh, man…I didn’t expect to see him in this photo.”
“You’re pacing again,” Leigh said wryly from the couch. “Not that I’m complaining. I like the way all those muscles bunch and flex. But it might be better for the carpet if you relax. Why don’t you plant that hard ass here.” She patted the place next to her on the couch. “I know you’d rather be out there with your team. Instead, you have to babysit the crazy woman.”
“You’re not crazy, Leigh. Far from it.”
He stopped moving, sighed, and walked over to her. She looked so much calmer, not exactly serene, but finally talking about what was bothering her had given her some measure of peace.
“You’re pretty sassy. Are you feeling better?” he asked. “You look better.”
“Yes, so much better,” she said, her voice soft, still a bit unsteady. “I was so upset I couldn’t remember Corporal Shaw’s name.” She took another shaky breath, as if bracing herself, then she continued, her voice stronger. “I should have realized I was heading for a bad place.” He slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her toward him. “You tried to warn me, and help me, and for that, I’m so grateful. I should have listened.”
He had never seen her come apart like that, as if there was so much pain inside her that she finally had to get it all out. The thought that she felt she had to go through all of that alone made his heart squeeze. He pressed her head against him, a dozen feelings settling in his chest. He lifted his brows. “Not one of your strongest attributes,” he said gruffly, the sound of her voice doing painful damage to his heart. Clenching and unclenching his jaw, he reached deep down for an ease he didn’t feel.
She hit him on the arm. “I’m learning,” she said, the same heart-wrenching catch in her voice. “What I do know without a doubt is that you’re always there for me.”
“That’s a promise, babe,” he whispered. Pressing her head to his shoulder, he gathered her up in a tight embrace, his hand tangled in her hair. He had to grit his teeth against an intense rush of sensation. He had no idea how this was going to work out between them. He just knew he wanted it more than his next breath.
The only resistance was his job. He was homeported in Virginia Beach, and she was all the way on the West Coast. But as a SEAL who did a lot of traveling, there were ways to connect when they weren’t in the same airspace. Putting the thought of their future together to the back of his mind, he tightened his arms around her and simply held her, the fullness in his chest expanding. She so belonged with him, and he was going to make sure she sought some help. She was still hurting, and vulnerable. He would be her support until she could get her feet under her.
“About what you said last night,” she murmured. His heart slammed into his chest. He had been completely honest with her because he couldn’t be anything else. When he felt something, he said it. It was simple and sincere. “I want to tell you?—”
He cursed as there was a hard knock on the door. He wanted to hear what Leigh had to say in the worst way. Was she going to let him down easily or was she going to be as committed as he was to a future together? “Hold that thought,” he said, as he rose and walked to the door, working at returning to his calm, focused way, even while he was on tenterhooks. When he pulled it open, he was surprised to find Jose Molina standing there.
“I must speak to Leigh,” he said in a rush, his face flushed and his eyes a bit wild. His gaze went from Hazard to Leigh who rose to her feet at the urgent tone in Jose’s voice.
“Of course,” Leigh said, concern on her face, and Hazard marveled that she had just broken down only an hour ago. Leigh always seemed to rise to the occasion. “What is it?”
“Astrid is in hiding,” he said, his voice hoarse. “She has reached out to me, and she wants to reveal Alzate’s location.”
“That’s great. Where is he?”
“It comes with a price. She will only speak to you, and if she sees any police or additional people, she will tell you nothing,” he said firmly. “She’s hoping for a deal. She doesn’t want to go to jail. Full immunity. That’s why she wants to make a deal with you. You have that power.”
“Where is she?”
“I can take you to her, but we have to go alone.”
Hazard stiffened. “Like hell you are,” Hazard ground out. “Leigh isn’t stepping foot off this command post without me.”
“Of course, my friend. Of course, you must accompany her,” Jose said, his face settling into lines of conciliation. “You’ll keep us both safe, yes?”
Hazard’s eyes narrowed. “Have you cleared this with Anna?”
“No, we cannot tell your CIA, my government, or yours. If they were to get involved, Astrid would disappear and your best means of apprehending Alzate would disappear with her,” he said gravely.
“Could you wait outside?” Hazard asked. “Give us a moment.”
“Please don’t take too long,” Jose pleaded. “She could be found at any moment.”
Hazard closed the door. “I don’t like it, Leigh. We’ll be without backup and on our own.”
“Do you trust Jose?”
“With my life, but that’s not the point. Iceman will have my ass in a sling if I don’t clear any type of side mission with him. He’s the boss, babe, not me.”
“But I’m in charge of this mission. If I tell you to go, will you go?”