Page 62 of Hazard
Leigh turned with a satisfied smile on her face, her gaze going to the two agents. Then he stood, and she stilled. With trembling hands, she packed up her briefcase and came through the swinging gate that separated the viewing area from the court.
Kai touched her arm. “It’s about time that bastard paid for what he’s done.”
Leigh only seemed to have eyes for him. Davis smiled, glancing over at Hazard, then said, “Are we still on for lunch?”
Leigh nodded. Hazard grinned at the giddy look in her eyes. “Looks like we’re going to have a special guest. You remember Petty Officer Booth?”
“Oh, yes, I remember him,” Kai said with a sigh. “He’s kind of unforgettable.”
Davis laughed softly, and Hazard noticed the diamond on Kai’s hand. “See you at lunch,” he said.
They left and she pulled him to the back of the courtroom. “What are you doing here?”
“Ice wanted me to tell you something, but I also came to hear all about your revelations.”
“You mean like I’ve told my boss that I’m resigning after this case, and I’m going to teach law instead. I have my eye on a position at Old Dominion University as a matter of fact.”
The happiness surged in him, but he kept it together, playing along. “Oh, isn’t that in Norfolk, Virginia?” He pulled her against him. “Hmmm, what a coincidence. I’m based out of Virginia Beach, a hop and a skip away.”
She giggled. “Wow, that works out perfectly. I won’t even have to find an apartment.”
He chuckled. “I have a few questions.”
“Do you snore? How many doodads and lacy shit do you own?”
She smacked his shoulder. “I don’t snore. How unladylike. And there are many, many doodads, but on the lacy shit, I’m going to have to let you discover that for yourself.”
He released a hard breath. “Sounds intensive. I think we should start now. How far do you live from here?”
“Just a hop and a skip,” she said, brushing her mouth against his. “I even have a sweet, fast car.”
“Damn, woman. I think I’m in love.” He was so deeply in love, the kind of love that was going to last a lifetime, well into a happily ever after, and if he could manage, even beyond.
“I know I am.” She brushed her fingers along his jaw.
He followed her down to the garage and they slipped into her car. He couldn’t resist pulling her to him and kissing her for several long seconds.
She grinned at him and started the engine. “Oh, you came over two thousand miles. What did Iceman want you to tell me?”
“You’re an official ball-busting SEAL babe. He has the busted balls to prove it.”
She threw her head back and laughed hard before pulling out of the parking space and gunning the engine.
Skull threw back his third shot, then set down the glass. He’d just come from the hospital and his old man wasn’t doing that well. He felt sick thinking that he would lose his dad. He had to get out of there, let the doctors do their thing. They were talking about bypasses and other things that made his gut clench. His mom, as always, was a rock. He took comfort from that.
“Buy you a drink, sailor?”
He stiffened and looked over. It was…fuck…was it wishful thinking…no, it was Hummingbird.
“Oh, fuck,” he said in an exhaled breath. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“It’s classified.” She sidled next to him on a bar stool, and it seemed like she accidentally brushed against him, but it made him feel like a hunted man. “How long are you going to hold a grudge, Skully?”
“Don’t call me that,” he said. Not one day had gone by that he didn’t think about this annoyingly competent and deliciously sweet woman.