Page 30 of Sweet Madness
“Don’t worry about it, kid. You worry about yourself and school, yes?”
I force a smile but nod regardless. “Yeah, Dad.”
So many things were left unsaid as we both fell into silence.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, my girl.”
“Until tomorrow, Daddy.” I blow a kiss as he offers me a loving smile, and then we hang up.
I don’t have time to worry about my brother or sort through the thoughts racing in my head. As soon as I close my laptop, there’s a knock on the door.
There’s only one person in this house with me.
My heart thumps wildly in my chest at the thought of him waiting on the other side.
I quickly glance at my reflection in the floor-length mirror, fix my hair, and make sure I don’t look sloppy before moving toward the door and opening it.
Disappointment hits me when I don’t see him standing there. But then my heart gallops in my chest when I look down and find a bouquet of pink tulips.
Bending down, I pick them up and hold them close to my heart, feeling butterflies cause a storm in my belly. “Shaw…” I whisper, a smile on my face.
Noticing a small white note, I flip it open to find a doodle of a constellation— a constellation that looks just like the one that reminds me so much of him.
The bear in the sky.
Tears well up in my eyes as I hold the note and flowers close. “Sweet, sweet grump,” I whisper, my smile widening with each passing second.
Then a familiar scent reaches me— a scent that makes my belly grumble with hunger.
The same delicious aroma that brings back some of my favorite memories with the man downstairs.
With newfound determination, I quickly find a vase and place the flowers by the window. Then I follow the scent of my favorite dish until it leads me to him—to the grumpy man who gave me pink flowers and doodled my favorite constellation for me.
Space Note
“Dearest, Shaw, I want to escape to an unknown galaxy. Will you follow me?” - E
“I used to dream of a love like this.” — E
When I was a little girl, my father didn’t have much time to cook me a healthy meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He shared every meal with me and never missed one. If he did, he always made sure I never ate alone for a day in my life. If he couldn’t be there, Uncle Benji stepped in, and at times when Shaw worked for us, he too accompanied us. Sunday dinner was, and still is, my favorite meal because Dad always made sure to have Sunday nights off and he cooked the only dish he knew back then: spaghetti and meatballs.
He prepared the food with so much love, and even though my father hated messes, he allowed me to stain my clothing and face with marinara sauce while I chewed on the gigantic and delicious meatballs.
When I woke up today, I didn’t realize it would be the first Sunday I would spend dinner alone, without my family. But as I followed the delicious smell that triggered many fond memories of the past, I realized I might not be spending Sunday dinners alone after all.
I came to a sudden halt as soon as I found myself in Shaw’s large kitchen. Taking a sweeping glance around, I notice details that had escaped me when I first roamed this place by myself. I couldn’t miss how the kitchen exudes an air of refined elegance without seeming over the top. A row of designer pendant lights cascades from above, casting a soft glow over the kitchen island below. High-end silver appliances are perfectly placed on the counter. In the corner, there is a built-in espresso machine, and I’m suddenly giddy with the thought of enjoying mornings with the finest brews. Unlike most of my siblings, I enjoy a cup of coffee early in the morning to get my day started right.
As I take everything in, it feels as if this spot, his kitchen, is the heart of the ranch.