Page 4 of Sweet Madness
“Forget what the world thinks. What do you want, sweetheart?”
What do I want?
I want so much, but it all seems so impossible.
The small things feel so out of reach for me.
I think about all my heart’s longings for a second before I whisper softly, not wanting the gondolier behind us to hear, “I want to be… me.”
The me that no one gets to see.
The hopeless romantic.
The girl who believes chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting and sprinkles could cure anything.
The girl who likes the stars, the moon, and all that hides in the great dark sky above us.
The girl who loves science as much as she does fashion.
That girl.
“There’s my girl.” Uncle Benji pulls me into his arms and squeezes me so tightly that even the small boat shakes with his force. He releases me and looks into my eyes. “There’s no one more beautiful and nothing and no one more special than you, Ellaiza Kenton.”
I grin at that. “What about Haven, Ambrose, and Evie?” I tease, knowing he loves us all equally.
Even my tyrant brothers.
Uncle Benji’s smile widens. “I love all of my girls, but you’ve always been and always will be my favorite.” He winks. “Your sisters give me headaches, while you give me magical hugs and cupcakes.”
I laugh at that.
I guess I was wrong. He does have favorites.
“I love you, Uncle,” I say, feeling loved beyond words.
“Right back at you, sweetheart.”
“Oh hey!” Out of the blue, a shooting star catches my attention. “Quick! Make a wish.” I close my eyes but then open one just a crack to see Uncle Benji staring up at the sky.
“I don’t believe in that sh—” he stops himself before he says something crass, then clears his throat and closes his eyes as well.
My mouth twitches. That’s what I thought.
I go ahead and make my wish.
The wish my heart has been holding onto for far too long.
Start living, you said, Uncle… alright then.
When I finish making my wish, I open my eyes again to find Uncle Benji staring at me with a tender look on his face.
So sweet, our giant Viking.
“What did you wish for?” I ask curiously.
Uncle grins, mischief written all over his expression. “If I tell you, it won’t come true, will it?”
I roll my eyes and smile.