Page 43 of Sweet Madness
“Mmm!” I am really enjoying my creamy chocolate chip cookie when I notice Shaw watching me with an amused expression. My cheeks flush pink with embarrassment as I realize I am speaking with my mouth full.
What would Mom think if she were here witnessing my lack of manners? I smile, warmth spreading through me as I think of my mother. Arianna Parisi hates a lack of manners, but on the occasions we slip up, she never makes us feel bad or chastised. She would only smile as if her children’s lack of proper etiquette amused her. “Mm, sorry,” I mumble awkwardly, my words slightly muffled by the cookie. I swallow quickly, trying to regain my composure despite feeling embarrassed.
Shaw’s usual grumpy demeanor softens with a hint of amusement, and then he surprises me when he chuckles softly. “You really like those cookies, huh?” he remarks with a dry tone and a small smile on his full lips.
Will my heart ever stop fluttering every time the man gives me those little smiles? I hope not. It might not be a full-blown smile or a belly laugh, but I’m slowly getting there.
His eyes sometimes shine with warmth, and he no longer snaps at me or acts irritated by my presence. No. He’s trying… for me, and to my lucky stars, it only makes my foolish heart beat wilder.
“What makes you think that?” I ask, brushing the crumbs off my chin and dress, feeling sheepish.
Shaw’s expression says it all as he glances at me, raising an eyebrow in a skeptical “really?” His gaze sparkles with amusement. “That’s the third cookie in a row, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart… Thud. Thud. Thud. Now, now, settle down, silly heart. Don’t make me look foolish.
It’s no secret that I’m a girl who enjoys sweet things. If it has sugar, I will most likely eat it. So, when we pass by the cutest little bakery with all kinds of sugary treats in the window display, I beg my grumpy bodyguard to go inside and try them. Surprisingly, he agrees without protest.
Once inside, I get one chocolate cupcake and two chocolate chip cookies. I also end up eating Shaw’s. He truly doesn’t enjoy baked goods, and it’s kind of sad. Who doesn’t enjoy the sweetest things in life? A lunatic or a grump. A closeted cinnamon roll grump.
He’s been different. Something shifts between us after our time at the tulip field. He’s been more open to making my time with him as enjoyable as possible. What he doesn’t know is that no matter what we do, I’ll be happy as long as it’s together.
Nodding sheepishly, a shy smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. “Okay, they’re really good,” I admit. “Once I’m able to post about this perfect little town, I will blast my social media with posts about Milly’s Macaroons. She’s a genius baker.”
“That’s kind of you,” he mumbles, his brown eyes melting me.
I beam at him. “I love it here.”
Shaw doesn’t say anything. He just towers over me with wonder written all over his face. He does that a lot. He looks at me as if he’s never met anyone quite like me before, and the thought of that makes happy butterflies dance inside my belly.
I want to be someone he looks at for happiness and warmth. Somehow, I’ve managed to fool my heart into believing he already does, because although it’s obvious he doesn’t enjoy leaving the ranch unless absolutely necessary, he has done so multiple times for me.
It’s the little things outside of his comfort zone that make me believe I’m closer than I think to reaching his heart. I felt it yesterday while he watched me dance in the rain through his tulip fields, and I felt it this morning when I woke up and found him looking at me differently, even though it lasted less than a minute. I see the changes in him.
I also managed to guilt-trip my grumpy bodyguard with a tour of his charming little town by reminding him that aside from being at the ranch and my studies, there was nothing to do. I finished my argument with a signature pout. One that always got me what I wanted when I dealt with Dad or Uncle Benji. It seems Shaw Banning isn’t immune to it either.
I don’t do it often, but today I thought it was necessary. A day around town might brighten this grump’s day and even help me with my mission to bring down those ironclad walls of his. A mission I’m close to completing, might I add.
“Are you ready to go back to the ranch?” Shaw asks as my gaze falls over the charming buildings behind him, my eyes darting from one colorful structure to another. My attention is suddenly captivated by a small, vibrant building tucked away between a barbershop and a small supermarket.
The cozy-looking building stands out with its whimsical charm. Painted in vibrant hues of blue, yellow, and green, adorned with cheerful decorations that seem to shine brighter in the sunlight. Cute little white paw prints decorate the colorful walls.
Above the entrance, a cheerful sign beckons in bold, friendly letters: “Adopt Your Forever Furry Friend.”
A pet shelter… And when I think this day couldn’t get any better, it does.
I look back at Shaw. His grumpy yet somehow adorable expression, arms crossed and gaze fixed on the shelter’s entrance, simply says, “No.”
“Pleaseeeee.” I fix my eyes on him. “Pretty please with a cherry on top?” I plead, my eyes shining with determination. He hasn’t denied me anything today, so I hope he agrees to this too.
He sighs, looking serious. “Why do you want to go in?” he asks, his tone gruff.
With a sad smile, I reply, “Because pet shelter animals rarely get visitors or a chance to find a loving home. They’re not expensive breeds or brand new, so they get overlooked. It’s wrong because they deserve love too.” I take a breath and continue, “I thought it would be nice to spend some time with the furry babies.”
He doesn’t seem convinced, so I try again.
Looking away from Shaw, I gaze at the shelter’s entrance, a hint of sadness flickering across my face. “You know,” I begin, my voice tinged with melancholy, “I used to volunteer at a shelter back home and it was always the same. People come in looking for the cute, the flawless. But no one seems to notice the broken ones, the ones with scars and stories etched into their sweet little souls.” My words hang heavy in the air. When silence greets me, I turn to face Shaw again. His expression softens, and he seems to understand me at the moment.
You will save him… those words whispered to me long ago come to the forefront of my mind. Will I really? I wonder as I look up at his handsome face. Although he doesn’t seem so grumpy all the time, his eyes still seem sad and sometimes angry.