Page 38 of Hate to Love You
“Hey, Natalie, wait up.”
Recognizing the voice, I groan and pick up the pace, hustling my ass down the path. With any luck, I’ll lose him in the crowd of students moving like cattle across campus. Reed Collins is the last person I want to speak with. After Saturday night and the ugliness he hurtled in my direction, I don’t know how he has the audacity to approach me.
But he does.
What a jerk.
As tempting as it is to lump Brody and Reed into the same hockey-playing-manwhore category, they’re nothing alike. Until now, I hadn’t realized it. Yeah, they’re both players—that goes without saying—but there’s an egotistical self-centeredness to Reed that I didn’t notice until it was too late. He doesn’t give a damn about anyone else’s feelings but his own. And he doesn’t care who he hurts in the pursuit of his own pleasure either.
Brody doesn’t strike me that way. But that’s something I’m still trying to figure out. And until I do, my guard is up, and I’ll tread carefully.
Catching up to me, Reed slows his jog and gives me a smile full of charm and bullshit. It’s the very same one that used to make my heart hitch and bring a dreamy smile to my lips.
Now it makes me want to throat punch him.
“I’m glad we ran into each other.” He falls in line with me as I walk. “I was hoping we could talk.”
“Yeah, I’m kind of in a hurry at the moment.” Even if I had all the time in the world, I wouldn’t waste a single minute of it on him. Hoping he gets the message, I give him a bit of side-eye and hasten my pace. “Maybe some other time?”
Or never.
Never works just as well. In fact, it’s preferable.
“Where’re you heading?”
“Brighton.” I keep my eyes focused straight ahead. Even looking at him makes my blood boil.
“What a coincidence. I’m going that way, too.”
“Awesome,” I mutter under my breath.
Without any further preamble—which I can appreciate—he gets straight to the point. “So, what’s up with you and McKinnon? Are you two really a thing?”
My mouth falls open as I stop in my tracks. This guy is unbelievable! “Seriously? You embarrass me in front of a ton of people Saturday night, and instead of apologizing like a normal human being, you want to know if I’m dating Brody?”
He blinks in confusion and gives me a what’s the big deal look. “Yeah, that’s what I asked.”
I laugh.
I have no idea. The way this guy’s brain works is impossible to understand. I’m not even going to try. And the fact that I wasted four months of my life on the asshole only makes me laugh harder.
A flicker of annoyance crosses Reed’s pretty-boy features as the giggles roll off my lips. Deciding to ignore him, I walk away.
“Hey.” He grabs my arm and hauls me over to the grass so we’re no longer in the stream of student traffic. “I’m not done talking to you.”
The laughter dies a quick death as my brows lower. “Wanna bet?” I try jerking my arm free. When his fingers tighten around me, I growl, “Let me go, Reed. You and I have nothing further to discuss.”
All polite pretense falls away. “I want to know what’s going on between the two of you.”
“Excuse me?” Who does this guy think he is? The extent of his douchebaggery is almost mind-boggling.
“Why are you slumming it with McKinnon?” he snaps, eyes narrowing. “If you’re doing it to fuck with me, it’s not going to work.”
I rear back like I’ve just been slapped. “You’re insane to think that you have any bearing on the decisions I make. You stopped being a consideration a long time ago.”
“Sure.” Reed rolls his eyes. “Cut the crap, Natalie. I know you’re still pissed that I dumped you.”