Page 47 of Hate to Love You
And knowing that I’m the one who put it there makes it all the more better.
Chapter Sixteen
I hoist a beer to my lips and glance around the room searching for Natalie, but I don’t see her anywhere in the thick crowd. Before I dropped her off at her apartment the other night, I talked her into meeting me at the Kappa party. I figured it would be a good place to start our publicity tour.
We had a great time ice skating at the rink. At least I did. And if the perma-smile plastered across Natalie’s face was any indication, so did she. I was just happy to take her mind off what had happened with her father.
Am I hoping something has shifted between us? Of course, I am. We actually conversed while skating without her taking my head off. And you know what? I like Natalie. I like being with her. I like her sense of humor. It only makes me more antsy to see her again. Which is definitely a first for me. Instead of fighting the feeling, I pull out my cell and fire off a text.
Where r u?
I stare at the phone in my palm, willing her to respond. Five minutes later, my hard work pays off.
Not there
Even though she can’t see me do it, I roll my eyes.
Why does she have to be such a smartass?
Bigger question—why do I find that trait so freaking attractive?
Yes, I c that. When r u getting here? I miss my fake girlfriend. Having a hard time fighting off the chicks…
*eyeroll* that sounds terrible for u
It is
Wasn’t in the mood 2 go out 2nite
All right. This isn’t getting me anywhere, so I’m pulling rank. Not that I have any to pull, but whatever.
U have ten min 2 get ur arse here or I’m coming 2 find u
Good luck with that
I’m totally serious, Davies
No response…
“Brody!” a high-pitched voice squeals, interrupting my back-and-forth with Natalie. “I’ve missed you soooooo much.”
A raven-haired girl with red-slicked lips and matching talons stares up at me as she strokes her hands over my chest. She has long, straight hair that hangs down her back and a slender body that is showcased in a tight, low-cut shirt and even tighter skinny jeans.
“I haven’t seen you in so long!”
She looks familiar, but her name eludes me. There’s only one chick on my mind tonight, and this isn’t the one.
“Hey, how you doing?”
“Cassandra,” she supplies when I don’t say her name.
I nod. “Right. Cassandra. Got it.”