Page 63 of Hate to Love You
If I’d gone for instant gratification, I’d be back to square one. Actually, I’d be at negative twenty. I have no idea what I want with Natalie. But until I figure that out, I’m not going to do anything to fuck up all the progress I’ve made up to this point.
Which means I need to keep my dick in my pants.
By the time I make it back to my place, it’s just after midnight. I thought for sure everyone would be out partying their collective asses off and I’d have the place to myself.
No such luck.
I adjust myself before walking through the door. I’m still a man of steel. Sawyer is sprawled out on the couch with two girls who are permanent fixtures at the house. There’s one tucked under each of his arms. Cooper is settled on the recliner with a chick perched on his lap.
I’m not sure what it is about that leather recliner, but when Cooper is making out with a girl, that’s where you’ll find him. I would suggest against shining a black light on that thing. I’m sure it’s covered in body fluids. Just thinking about it makes me queasy.
The dude has a perfectly private room upstairs. Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen him take a girl up there. We all know he screws them on the chair, which is precisely why everyone gives it a wide berth.
I’m happy to report that, for the first time in a long time, everyone has all their clothing in place. For the moment, anyway. I’m sure as the night wears on, that’ll change. It always does.
“Where’d you take off to?” Sawyer asks, his eyes flicking to mine. “Thought you were hanging with us tonight.”
I shrug, not wanting to mention Natalie. Neither Cooper nor Sawyer have any interest in settling down. I’m not even sure if I want to settle down. But I’m not ready to rule it out either.
“Had some stuff to take care of,” I say nonchalantly, hoping he’ll drop the subject.
“Oh yeah?” Looking blurry-eyed, he raises his brows. “Is that what we’re calling it nowadays? ’Cause if so, I’ve had a lot of stuff to take care of, as well.” He tightens his arms around the girls. “Right, ladies?”
They giggle as if on cue, and I roll my eyes while walking into the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. Yeah, I’m definitely over this. I’m tired of the constant parties and drinking. Of random people showing up at all hours of the day and night like I’m running a goddamn boarding house.
I almost wince.
Christ…I’m not eighty years old. Even though I’m doing a damn good impression.
I hadn’t given much thought to living on my own last year when we renewed the rental agreement. I kind of wish I had.
“What happened with the Kappa party?” I ask, changing the subject.
“It ended up being a lame-ass sausage fest. So, we decided to come back here and chill for a while. I think a few more guys might show up.”
The girl on Cooper’s lap sheds her top.
It was really only a matter of time before that happened. I’m impressed she kept it on for as long as she did.
I jerk my head toward the staircase. “I’m gonna head upstairs and hit the sack.”
Sawyer gives me a surprised look. “Really? It’s still early. Here,” he gestures to the girls snuggled up against him. “You want one? I don’t need both.” He smirks. “At least not right now, I don’t.”
Sawyer’s words curdle like cottage cheese in the pit of my gut as Natalie’s face flashes in my mind. I have zero interest in getting it on with a puck bunny. The sad thing is, two years ago—even last year—I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. I’d have sat down next to one of them, and she would have happily crawled on my lap and did whatever the fuck I wanted.
But random hookups don’t seem to be doing it for me anymore. Somewhere along the line, they lost their luster.
I’m going to turn twenty-four in March. I’ve been partying my ass off for the last five years. And juniors, that was a crazy time. I don’t remember half the shit I did. It was my first real taste of freedom, and I went off the rails in the beginning.
What guy wouldn’t?
“Nah.” I shrug. “It’s been a long week. I’m tired.”
Sawyer shakes his head. “When did you turn into such a pussy?”
This is typical shitfaced Sawyer. Instead of taking it personal and starting something, I grin and say, “Well, I guess what they say is true. You are what you eat.”
On that note, I head upstairs, away from the soon-to-be orgy.