Page 93 of Hate to Love You
I turn my head and stare at her. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Like seriously, take-my-breath-away gorgeous. All that long silky hair is fanned out against the ivory pillowcase. Her lips are full and pouty, ripe for kissing. I’m tempted to lean over and nip them.
Sometimes I can’t believe she wants to be with me. Natalie could have any guy she wants. She’s smart and gorgeous. And that fucking mouth of hers…
God, but I love that sassy-ass mouth.
It’s always been a turn-on. Looking back at all the shit we used to give to each other, I think it was all foreplay leading up to this.
I roll toward her and gently press my lips against hers, wanting to wake her with a kiss. Is that cheesy as hell?
You bet your ass, it is.
But I don’t care.
I’m that guy now, so deal with it.
I press soft butterfly kisses across her face until her eyelids flutter and she focuses on me. A smile spreads across her face.
“Morning,” she says. Her voice is all low and husky.
“Morning,” I whisper in return.
I playfully snag her bottom lip between my teeth and tug it until she giggles.
My hands glide across her naked breasts until I’m able to cup their warm weight in my palms. A purring noise rumbles from deep in her throat as she arches her body against the hold I have on her. God, but I love how responsive she is.
“Get a condom,” I groan. “I need to be inside you.” Watching her writhe under my touch has my cock rock-hard.
She glances at the clock on the nightstand. “We don’t have time. You need to leave for practice in five minutes.”
I shake my head, making a split decision. “I’m skipping it this morning.” I’m going to spend the next couple of hours making love to her.
Her brows slide together. “Brody, I don’t want you getting into any more trouble with your coach.”
I kiss one corner of her mouth and then the other. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t get in trouble.” All right, so maybe Coach will be pissed, but I don’t give a shit right now. I’ve got more pressing matters to contend with.
Her hand comes up to stroke the side of my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. Go to practice. I’ll be here waiting when you return.”
I groan.
Goddamn it. I don’t want to leave her, but she’s probably right. I should get my ass to the rink. “Promise you won’t move?”
A sleepy smile curves her lips. “I promise. I’m all yours. Now, go.” She makes a shooing gesture with her hand as she cuddles into the covers. She looks so sexy all tousled and warm. “Get. I don’t want you to be late.” The smile turns seductive. “And when you get back, I’ll make it worth your while.”
My brows rise at the enticement, and I throw the comforter back, high-tailing it from bed.
Natalie chuckles.
I point at her and narrow my eyes. “You move from there, and you’ll be in big trouble.”
“I won’t move a muscle,” she says.
I lean over and press my lips against hers. She twines her arms around my neck and opens her mouth when I lick at the seam. Our tongues tangle for a moment before I reluctantly pull away.
“Just remember,” I murmur. “You’ve made promises, and I’m going to hold you to them.” With that, I smack another kiss against her lips and throw my clothes on with record speed.
Just as I’m heading out the door, she says, “Brody…”
I glance over my shoulder, and Natalie tosses the covers back, revealing her naked body. Her legs fall open so that she’s spread wide. She trails her hand from her ribcage, moving down her belly until she reaches her pubic bone, where her fingers linger.