Page 127 of Love to Hate You
Broken up?
Not technically.
On hiatus?
Sort of. Except Carter won’t talk to me.
Dr. Stein raises her brows as she waits for a response.
My shoulders slump. “Yeah, I guess we broke up.”
Up until now, I hadn’t wanted to accept that we were really over. I forced myself to believe that Carter would come back when he was ready, but that hasn’t happened. My God, the guy just sprinted away from me as if the hounds of hell were after him. Clearly that’s not a sign of someone who wants to work through their issues with me.
My face heats with the realization.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she says.
For the first time, I embrace the pain of our separation as it floods through my body. I haven’t done that yet. Not completely. I’ve been too busy lying to myself.
Ugh, I am such an idiot.
I clear my throat. “Yeah, me too.”
“Break ups are painful.” Her lips lift into a subdued smile. “I wish I could tell you that they get easier with age, but they don’t.”
I can’t imagine having your heart broken ever gets easier.
My gaze snaps to hers. “Yeah?”
“As difficult as this is, the last thing I want is for you to tank your senior year. Not over a boy. I know that may sound cold and uncaring, but I’ve seen how disconnected you’ve been this week. And if I’m seeing it in my class, I’m willing to bet that your other professors are seeing it as well.”
I blow out a steady breath as her words sink in. It’s not harsh, it’s exactly what I needed to hear. I’m grateful she noticed something was wrong and took the time to talk some sense into me. Not all professors would do that.
“I’ve known you since freshman year and I’ve seen how hard you’ve worked to be successful, don’t let something like this mar your accomplishments.”
I’ve been so caught up in the Carter situation that my work has been slipping through the cracks, and I can’t afford to let that continue. School is too important for me to not take seriously.
I nod. For the first time since my break up with Carter, I feel like some of my mental fog has cleared. Maybe now, I can find my way again.
She reaches out and squeezes my shoulder. “Just remember, I’m here anytime you need to talk.”
“Thank you, Dr. Stein.” I pause and gather my thoughts. “I appreciate you pulling me aside.”
Her smile widens. “You’re welcome, Daisy.”
I hightail it from the classroom and decide to text Olivia to see if she wants to meet for lunch. Just as I’m about to race down the stone steps, my eyes collide with somber gray ones. I pause and my breath hitches.
I wasn’t expecting him to stick around. Carter raises a tentative hand in greeting and I do the same as I move in his direction. The breeze picks up and the scent of his aftershave hits me. Sadness pools in my belly.
Carter shifts his weight from one foot to the other and looks as uncomfortable as I feel. He glances away for a heartbeat and refocuses his gaze on me. I long to reach out and bridge the distance. But it’s not just physical, it’s emotional as well.
He squints against the autumn sunlight. “Do you have a few moments to talk?”
“Sure.” For two weeks, all I’ve wanted is to have a conversation with Carter and now that I’m being given the opportunity, I don’t know what to say.
“Good.” His shoulders tense as he points to a couple of picnic tables spread out across the grassy knoll. “Should we sit over there?”