Page 25 of Love to Hate You
The agitation swarming around in my belly dissolves. Warmth blooms in its place. I quickly tamp it down and roll my eyes because what she’s saying isn’t true. “That’s probably because he’s busy plotting his next diabolical plan to drive me over the edge. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has a hidden lair with lots of high tech equipment.”
A smile simmers around the edges of her lips as she shakes her head. “I don’t think that’s the reason.”
I’m afraid to ask.
“I’ve told you before,” she says. “There’s an awful lot of sexual chemistry between you two.”
Poor Olivia. She’s delusional from lack of sex or something like that. Can you go crazy from remaining a virgin for too long?
I’ll have to google it.
“Sorry, Jean Piaget, but you’re wrong about that as well. There’s absolutely no sexual chemistry between us. None.” That might be something of a lie. There is an unwanted energy that hums between us, but it’s completely one-sided. And if I could make it go away, I would. In a heartbeat. Carter’s the last person I want to be attracted to. It’s like a cruel joke.
“You have to admit that he’s pretty hot,” Olivia adds slyly.
Oh, for goodness’ sake.
“He’s okay,” I lie. “If you’re into his brand of handsome. Which I’m not,” I mumble under my breath.
“Sure, because who doesn’t like tall, dark, and handsome?” A dreamy look fills her eyes. “Not to mention all those muscles.”
I squash any jealousy that is trying to fight its way to the surface.
Thankfully, Olivia shakes herself free from those thoughts before I have to do something drastic, like slap her silly. “Sorry, where was I?”
I give her the stink eye. “You were talking about Carter’s muscles and drooling like most of the girls on campus.” With a scowl, I plant my hands on my hips. “I’m really disappointed in you, Olivia. I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that.”
“What can I say?” She shrugs. “I’m a sucker for hot men.”
Whether I want to admit it or not, the guy is smoking hot, and I’m not the only one who thinks so.
“Well, be forewarned that his bedroom has a revolving door on it. And that, my friend, is not idle gossip. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes.”
She bursts out laughing. “I would never hookup with Carter, and you know it!”
Actually, I do. She’s more into…
I’m not even going to mention Noah. That girl needs to get over him and move on with her life.
The timer dings on the oven, saving me from delving any further into this discussion. I jump off my stool and head back to the stove.
“Brownies are ready!” Grabbing pot holders, I open the oven door and pull out the pan. The aroma of fudgy goodness permeates the air as I set it on the stove to cool.
“Mmmm.” I lean closer and inhale deeply. “They look and smell delicious.”
“They look and smell like death. Yourdeath,” Olivia emphasizes.
It’s in Olivia’s nature to be overly cautious. Me, not so much.
“Yeah, yeah.” I wave a hand in her direction. “Come on, we better head over to the library and get some studying in before it gets too late.”
Olivia hops off her chair and grabs her backpack. As she slings it over one shoulder, she asks, “Is there anything I can say to talk you out of this?”
I shake my head. “Nope.”
We’ve been friends long enough for her to recognize a losing battle when she sees one. Instead of arguing, she releases a long-suffering sigh and trudges toward the door of the apartment. “I was afraid you were going to say that.”
“You worry too much. It’s laxative-infused brownies. No big deal.” I grab my messenger bag from the front hall. “Anyway, what could possibly go wrong?”
“Famous last words,” she grumbles as I slam the door behind us.
Olivia needs to lighten up.
It’s just a harmless prank. It’ll end up being hilarious.
Well, I’ll certainly laugh.
Carter, not so much.