Page 57 of Love to Hate You
Chapter Nineteen
Oh my God, what is keeping Olivia?
She’s been gone for at least fifteen minutes. When she took off to use the bathroom, I should have gone with her. Instead, I’d decided to chat up this guy. He’s good-looking in a preppy sort of way. He kind of reminds me of Logan. The only problem is that he opened his mouth and it’s been downhill ever since. He won’t stop yammering about the fraternity he belongs to and how they throw the most epic parties at BU.
If this continues, I’m going to need a Red Bull transfusion to make it through the night.
I need to find a way to extract myself from this situation. Slowly backing away isn’t an option because he’s toying with my hair. It’s like he has me on a leash and is intent on holding me captive.
Just as I get ready to tug my hair free, I catch sight of Carter.
He’s heading this way at a brisk pace. The sea of people parts as he moves through them. He’s wearing a maroon T-shirt that stretches across his chest and hugs his biceps.
My mouth dries at the sight of him.
He’s frowning like he’s pissed off about something. Any attraction that had been humming through my body dissipates because he’s probably mad that I’m out partying and now feels obligated to babysit me.
Not necessary, dude.
I’m a big girl. I can handle myself. Haven’t I already proven that?
Kevin, the frat boy wearing a pale pink polo and navy shorts with little embroidered palm trees on them, has switched topics and is now yapping about the business degree he’s working on and how his uncle owns the hedge fund company he’ll be employed at after graduation. He’s so intent on talking about the six-figure salary he’ll rake in that he’s oblivious that we’re no longer alone.
Normally, I’m never happy to see Carter at a party.
But it’s a relief when he slides an arm around my body and tugs me close. The scent of his aftershave assaults me, tempting me to close my eyes and inhale a big breath of him. It takes everything I have inside to suppress the urge.
Neither of us say a word until Kevin realizes that we’re no longer alone. The Logan look-alike blinks in confusion.
“Ahhh…” he drawls.
Carter gives Frat Boy a chin lift in greeting. “Hey, what’s up?”
I’m acutely aware of how close Carter’s thumb is to the curve of my breast. The heat of his fingers sears my flesh through the shirt I’m wearing.
“Um, I was just having a conversation with…” Kevin trails off as his eyes slide to mine looking for assistance.
Yeah, I don’t think so.
If he can’t remember my name, I’m not going to jump in and save him from looking like an even bigger asshat than I originally assumed.
Not one to let a pesky detail stand in his way, Kevin clears his throat and barrels onward. “Well, anyway, if you don’t mind, we were just getting to know one another.”
Except he can’t remember my name.
Carter reaches up and tugs my hair from Kevin’s fingers. “You’re going to need to wrap that up and move it along.”
You can almost see the moment it dawns on Kevin that whatever he thought was going to happen tonight will not be happening. The expression on his face is almost comical.
He narrows his eyes and takes a closer look at Carter. “Do I know you?”
Carter shrugs and his hold on me tightens. “Don’t know.”
The blond, Logan look-alike nods and points a finger at him. “Yeah, I know you.” He smirks. “You tried pledging last year, and we turned you down.”