Page 75 of Love to Hate You
“What we did last night, it shouldn’t have happened. We both know it.” Because I’m the asshole in this situation, I give her an easy out. “You were drinking, and I took advantage of you.”
Daisy rears back as if I’ve slapped her upside the head. Any sleepy sexiness that had been clouding her eyes disappears.
“Took advantage of me?” she repeats. “Are you out of your mind?”
“Not at all.” I clear my throat. “I shouldn’t have allowed the situation to get so out of hand.”
Daisy nods like she’s about to agree, which is my first clue that this conversation is about to go sideways.
“Ohhhh,” she says with wide eyes and arched brows. “So, you allowed that to happen?”
“Ummm…” I’ve never claimed to be an aficionado when it comes to the fairer sex, but this sounds suspiciously like a trap. “No?”
She narrows her eyes and I congratulate myself on being correct. If there’s a silver lining to be found, it’s that my instincts are still keen. Just not keen enough to avoid sampling Daisy’s pussy in the first place.
“What we did was consensual.” She glares. “I wanted it.”
How do I combat that kind of honesty?
I can’t. So, I switch to plan B.
“Noah would be pissed if he knew,” I say.
Daisy shrugs. “I’m sure he would be, but my sex life is none of Noah’s business. Just like his is none of mine.” She tilts her head to the side. “See how that works?”
This girl is not helping the situation.
I moisten my lips and try again. “He doesn’t want you hooking up with his friends. And he sure as hell wouldn’t want you with me.”
“It doesn’t matter what Noah wants,” she bites out. “It only matters what you and I want.”
Shit. This isn’t going the way I anticipated.
Even though it’s not true, I say, “I don’t want this, Daisy.”
Hurt flashes across her face. As much as I want to stuff the lie back in my mouth, I can’t. This is the way it needs to be. In the silence of the room, her choppy breaths fill my ears like the roar of the ocean.
“We live together. Us fucking would only complicate matters,” I admit. “I don’t want that, do you?”
“Wow. Okay.” She releases a breath. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that.” She pauses and adds, “Not after last night.”
“We both drank too much,” I cut in. “Things got a little carried away.”
Her lips flatten into a thin line and her eyes harden. “That’s not true and you know it.” I open my mouth and she holds up a hand to shut me down. “I’m not going to let you twist what happened into something it wasn’t,” she snaps. “If you’re having regrets, then just admit it.”
“I’m having regrets.” I hold my breath, half-prepared to be junk punched, but it doesn’t happen. Instead she trails her fingers over my nuts.
In my experience, most girls don’t take rejection well.
Is she waiting for me to lower my guard and then attack like a ninja?
Although I’m lying here naked with my package on display. I’m not sure how much lower my guard can get. I’m tense as hell waiting for her reaction. But all she does is caress my sensitive flesh and play with my balls before stroking her way up my shaft. Which, damn it to hell, grows harder by the second.
Apparently, my dick has abandoned the plan.
“Daisy,” I groan.
Her eyes lift to mine. “Yes?”