Page 92 of Love to Hate You
Chapter Twenty-Eight
At a loss, I watch Carter head for the door without a second glance at me. All within two minutes of receiving a text.
Who the hell was it from?
I’ve never seen him jump like that. I look at my cousin and try to get a read on his thoughts, but his gaze remains fixed on the television screen.
The three of us watching the game on a Sunday afternoon is our thing. We’ve been doing it since freshman year. Even when I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with Carter, it was still what we did.
Doesn’t Noah think Carter’s behavior was strange? We’re in the middle of the game and he just got up and took off. But Noah hasn’t commented on it.
I clear my throat and jerk my thumb toward the apartment door. “What’s up with that?”
Noah glances at me and then goes back to watching the screen. “How should I know?”
I nibble my lip not wanting to ask.
I’m able to hold the question in for about two minutes before it bursts free. “Who do you think the text was from?”
“Dunno.” He shrugs.
I’m tempted to throw something at his head. This is like pulling teeth. Actually, that would probably be easier.
With my foot bouncing, I stare at the TV screen. But the game no longer holds my interest. A possible explanation flits into my head. Once it does, there’s no dismissing it.
Carter must be seeing someone. Maybe it’s not a bone fide girlfriend since I’ve never seen him get serious with anyone. But it’s entirely possible that he has a piece on the side.
I mean, it’s not like we sat down and defined our relationship—and yes, I’m using that term loosely—but I’m certainly not going to sleep with a guy who’s screwing around with other girls. Obviously, I didn’t make that clear from the onset.
What else could have him moving like that?
My mind remains frustratingly blank.
I blurt, “Is Carter seeing someone? Is that why he took off?”
“Hell, no.” Noah snorts like I just asked the stupidest question ever. “Why would he do something like that before heading off to the NFL? That guy has zero interest in being tied down, and who can blame him? He gets more pussy than anyone else I know.”
His words are like a physical blow to my gut. Pain like I’ve never experienced explodes through my body. The breath catches at the back of my throat as I stare sightlessly at the TV.
“Carter’s a player,” he continues, unaware of my mental anguish. “He’s always been a player. That’s not going to change anytime soon.” Noah takes a swig from his water bottle.
My eyes remain glued to the action on the screen, but I couldn’t tell you if the Titans have held onto their lead.
It takes a moment to realize that if I didn’t care about Carter on some level, I wouldn’t be this upset. Noah isn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. Carter is a player. He’s been a manwhore since I’ve known him. I’ve seen a fair number of girls traipse from his room in the morning looking well sated.
Why did I think sleeping with him was a good idea?
I blink and focus on my cousin who is staring at me with narrowed eyes.
“Yeah?” I make a concerted effort to wipe the misery from my expression. The last thing I need is for Noah to ferret out the truth.
His attention shifts to me. “What’s going on?”
A moment ago, that’s exactly what I wanted. Now, not so much.