Page 103 of Just Between Us
It now sits in my wallet, and I know I can access the kind of money Kenny is demanding through just that card alone, but I can’t—I won’t do it. I know Cole wouldn’t blink at the thought of a hundred thousand pounds, but Kenny is my problem. The last thing I want Cole or Levi to think is that I’m somehow in this for their money. I won’t ask them.
Firstly, because my mother would undoubtedly slap me.
Secondly, I can handle Kenny. I’ve done it before. I can do it again.
“More wine anyone?” Zara asks pouring the supermarket-bought Pinot for herself.
The real reason I asked them to come over is because I want to tell them about Levi and Cole. It’s pretty obvious that something is going on and keeping it from them has been torture.
“So,” I start, looking at them huddled up on the emerald, green sofa Jenna and I thrifted. “I wanted to tell you both something.”
Zoe lifts an eyebrow. “Let me guess, you’re bisexual?”
Zara bursts out laughing, falling into Zoe as they both giggle.
I roll my eyes. “Fine, I guess you don’t want to know about who I’ve been seeing then.”
Zara’s mouth falls open. “Shut up!” she says. “You mean the mystery fuckbuddy.”
A self-satisfied grin spreads across my face. “The very one, well ones.”
“No fucking way,” Zoe says, eyes bulging. “You’re seeing two people?”
I nod once, still unable to get rid of my grin because I can barely believe it myself. “They were together when I met them, and one thing led to another and now we’re all together.”
Saying it out loud feels strange.
“And you went to Monaco with them?” Zara clarifies.
“Nope,” Zoe cuts me off. “I need a picture. I won’t believe this until I see it with my own eyes.”
I knew this was coming so I pull out my phone and swipe to a picture of the three of us that Kez took on her film camera. It was on our second night, my birthday, right before Anant convinced us to go swimming. We are sitting down, and Levi is leaning into Cole whilst I’m laughing, the ocean in the background. I’m not looking into the camera, but they are, and their eyes sparkle. I look so happy; everything was perfect before Kenny called.
My sisters stare at the picture for a long moment and my heart falters for a second before Zoe looks up at me, her brow furrowed. “Are you sure these people are real and dating you? I mean no offence, Kai but they are…”
“Hot. Like terrifyingly so. They look like they stepped out of some internet edit,” Zara half shouts.
I laugh because that is the perfect way to describe them and the anxiety that had pooled in my stomach dissipates in an instant.
“They are real,” I say.
And they are all mine, I think. Which is why I must do everything I can to keep Kenny as far away from them as possible.
“Does Mum know?” Zoe asks.
I shake my head. “Not yet, I want it to settle down first. We’re still figuring it all out.”
Zara is still looking at the picture. “Okay we need details, Kai. Names. Ages. Do they have single friends or cousins between the ages of nineteen and twenty-six?”
I frown. “No way you’d date a twenty-six-year-old.”
Zoe shrugs. “To be fair, it’s a tough market out there. We have to expand the search.”
A laugh ripples through me because no one makes me laugh like them and when they shoot rapid-fire questions at me, it’s easy to answer. By the end of it, I’m excited for them to meet each other. I have a feeling Zoe and Cole would get along really well.
Whatever happiness I’ve managed to store inside me completely dissolves when my phone vibrates, and I see the number Kenny has been using to call me.