Page 112 of Just Between Us
“I think I saw him with Adam earlier,” someone says next to Kez.
My stomach drops. I doubt Levi would want to speak to him. “Which way did they go?” I ask.
They point in the general direction of a dark hallway, and I rush away from the party. Something feels off. My heart is racing as I try to open several doors, coming up empty each time. I find a hotel maid who tells me she saw two men walking towards a private smoking lounge and points it out.
I pretty much sprint there, my heart speeding in my chest. When I pull open the door, I gasp because Levi is lying on the floor, bent into himself. He lets out a quiet moan and I rush towards him, kneeling next to his body. I have to push him so that he’s lying sideways.
“Levi?” I cry. “Levi? Please wake up?”
His eyes creep open but they look dim and far away. “Kai?” he whispers.
“Hey,” I say, relief flooding through me. He’s alive. “You’re okay. I’m going to call for help, okay?”
“No wait,” he says. “Kai. I love you.”
But before I can continue, Levi’s body begins to convulse. White foam spills out of his mouth as his eyes roll back. He’s having a seizure.
“Levi?” I say, trying to keep him from knocking his head on the marble floor. “Shit Levi!” I scream until the entire building can hear me.
Chapter Thirty-One: Cole
Maybe watching my boyfriend fuck my other boyfriend whilst he reads my favourite book aloud is not the best idea when I’m six thousand feet up in the sky with Daniel and the rest of my security detail. I feel my cock strain against my jeans as Kai’s filthy moans and Levi’s quiet encouragement fill my EarPods.
I’ve missed them both; it's almost been impossible to focus on anything without them close by and I took an earlier flight to get back to them as quickly as possible.
But being back in New York with my grandparents after everything that has happened felt good.Nanny has insisted on keeping my room the same with old high school notes, books and questionable fashion choices all still stored in cupboards and drawers.
On my first night there, during dinner, I couldn’t help but tell them about Kai. My grandfather looked me right in the eyes and asked if it meant I was constantly having threesomes. That earned him a slap on the arm from Nanny.
And last night, to add the proverbial cherry on top, Petrov found out about the seized shipment. He was going to kill Nick until my father called me, demanding I fix it. A part of me didn’t want to, a part of me wanted to cut the call but I did as my father asked and Nick was returned with only a few broken ribs.
According to a few texts from my mother, Nick is currently recovering under my father’s watchful eye. She’s tried to call me a few times, but I’ve ignored her each time. If I never have to see my family again, I’d be fucking ecstatic.
Daniel clears his throat, looking up at me from his iPad. I sneakily shove my phone back into my pocket and look at him in question. His mouth settles into a line, a deep frown on his face.
“What is it?” I ask cautiously.
“I don’t know how to say this exactly, but I think I found what Kai is hiding.”
My stomach drops because the look on Daniel’s face is not a look I like. He looks down at the iPad and then at me. “When you asked me to look into him, all his records were clean. There was nothing suspicious or anything, but just to be thorough I looked into his messaging cloud.”
Whilst I know this is a gross invasion of privacy and Kai might hate me for it for a little while, my concern for him was reaching a boiling point and his safety is my biggest concern. He can be angry if he likes.
“Okay, what did you find?” I ask.
Daniel licks his lips. “He has received a few calls and texts from unknown numbers—probably unregistered sim cards. I asked my guy to keep digging and it turns out the number once belonged to a Lily Walsh. Lily Walsh is Kenny Walsh’s sister. Kenny is Kai’s stepfather who was arrested for possession amongst other charges. Kai was fourteen or fifteen when it happened, but Kenny was recently released—about four months ago which is when Kai began receiving the texts,” Daniel says.
My mouth feels dry. “What do the messages say?” I ask.
He winces, holding the iPad closer. “I don’t think you should—”
He swallows and hands me the black tablet. For a moment, my eyes scan the screen, unable to process what I’m reading. There are at least a dozen, all increasingly menacing. My heart shatters and sinks all at the same time as I go through them.
Did you miss me? I know I’ve missed you.