Page 127 of Just Between Us
“We wanted to talk to you about something,” he says. “But before we do I need to tell you both something first.”
He doesn’t look nervous or anything but there is caution in his eyes. Levi shifts on the couch to look at him. He doesn’t know what this is about either then. “What is it?” he asks.
Cole runs a hand through his hair and lets out a quiet breath. “When we decided to give this a shot, we promised to be honest and transparent, so I want to make sure I stick to that. But before I do, you should know that I’m giving you both this one chance to leave. I’ll let you both go if you want me to, but only tonight, never again.”
My throat feels dry all of a sudden.
“Why would we leave?” Levi asks.
“Adam didn’t hang himself,” Cole says levelly. “I only made it look like he did. He would have gotten off light and I couldn’t risk him coming back and hurting you again.”
My entire body tenses and without thinking, I reach for Levi’s hand. He clutches it tightly.
“Wait, you…” Levi trails but I know what he means to ask.
Cole nods. “I did and it’s important you know that I’d do it again if it means keeping you safe. It’s also important that you know that I enjoyed it.” Impenetrable green eyes land on me, and I suck in a breath because I know what comes next.
“Kenny didn’t overdose, did he?” I ask.
Cole tilts his head slightly. “No, he did but the drugs were laced with something else. I gave him the choice and he chose that instead of going back to prison because he knew what would be waiting for him there.”
I did think it was a weird coincidence that Adam and Kenny were dead within days of each other, but never in a million years would I have guessed this.
I glance at Levi, and I know his mind is working too, connecting all the dots.
I should be terrified. Cole should scare me, but no matter how hard I try to look for that feeling, it doesn’t come. Instead, I just want to hold him.
“When I was younger, I made sure to suppress every awful part of me until I thought it didn’t exist, but it does. It’s there and it’s who I am. I accept it now.” He takes in a quiet breath. “You both control me and that means you control that awful part of me too. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep you both safe. But I understand that this could be terrifying and not what you want, so, tonight is the only time I’ll let either of you walk away if you want to. It's your choice.”
I don’t need to think about it. I throw an arm around him, breathing his scent, tears spilling from my eyes and onto his t-shirt. Maybe it’s fucked up that I only want him more. “I’m not going anywhere,” I whisper against him. “I love you too much.”
When I pull away, Cole is smiling, his eyes so full of love I never thought would be directed at me. My mind flashes back to that night in Mulligans as I watched him with Levi. I badly wanted someone to love me the way he so obviously loved Levi.
For a few weeks now, I’ve known he loves me but now I understand the gravity of it. I understand what Kez meant in Monaco.
There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do to keep you safe.
He loves me and all I have to do is love him back.
My other hand is still clutching Levi’s, and he smiles at me when I look at him. “You’re both the loves of my life and Cole, I love everything you are. I always have and always will.” Levi gets on his knees and holds Cole’s cheek with his free hand before kissing him deeply. “Thank you,” he whispers.
We settle back on the couch, limbs tangled together. I nuzzle my nose in the dip of Cole’s neck, breathing him in. Kenny is gone and so is Adam because of him–because of us. We now hold secrets between each other and outside the bracelet and the life they’ve welcomed me so easily into, I feel like a part of them. I hold both their hearts in my hand just as they hold mine and I’m never letting go.
Next to me, Levi stirs and when I look at him, a wicked smile plays on his lips. His eyes land on me, a hungry glint in them. “Wanna fuck me, baby?”
I sputter. “What?”
He looks between Cole and I and shrugs a shoulder.“You can if you like. I’ve been pretty curious to know what your cock feels like inside me.”
I’ve never thought about inserting my dick in either of them but something about it feels hot. Even if Levi bottoms for me, I know he’ll be far from pliable or submissive. My dick twitches at the idea.
“C’mon, let’s give Cole a pretty show,” he whispers, pulling me into a rough kiss.
As if I’d say no.
Chapter Thirty-Six: Kai