Page 39 of Just Between Us
I pause, my mug still in my hand. I get why she’s concerned. I’ve never been one to do something like this, but I’ve spent my entire life worrying about something and being with them makes the worrying stop even if it’s just for a few hours.
“Jenna…” I start.
“I know I’ve been the loudest person about you getting laid and everything but what if you fall for them? They are in a relationship and eventually…” she trails, wincing, but I know what she means.
Although Levi and Cole are stunning, I’ve quickly realised that my crush on them was mostly physical. They are both funny and kind, but they are perfect for each other, and I wouldn’t fit in anyway. Falling for them is out of the question.
“I won’t and they won’t. We have clear rules. I don’t even sleep over. It’s cool.”
Jenna still looks unsure. “I don’t know, Kai. I know it’s just sex which I love for you, but I just think you deserve great sex with someone who also loves you a lot. You’re an amazing person and I want someone who likes how smart and funny and brilliant you are not just how hot you are.”
I laugh and hold out my arms. “Did you just call me hot?”
She rolls her eyes, coming over to hug me. She has always been fiercely protective, and I love her for it, but I also know this is good for me. For the first time, I almost feel relaxed.
“Any more creepy texts?”
And that is the one reason I don’t feel completely relaxed. I shake my head. There has been nothing for four weeks. Complete radio silence from Kenny.
“You still think it’s Kenny?” she asks.
It’s the only explanation. The messages are meant to scare me, to remind me of what I did. I know I should probably take it to the police, but I don’t want to worry Mum or my sisters. I don’t want to worry about it. For now, Kenny is a monster that exists in the confines of my phone. I’ve deleted the messages and blocked the number. It has to be enough.
“I’m good. He just wants to scare me, but he’s not out yet and he won’t be for a while.”
Jenna swallows and nods against me. “Are you going to be okay?”
I hug her a little tighter. “Don’t worry about me,” I say. “How are all the new clients by the way?”
At Anant’s party, Kez introduced Jenna to a whole bunch of people looking for personal trainers.Her calendar has been packed. She moves out of my hold and grabs her coffee.
“Really good actually. Kez wants to introduce me to the guy who owns Uplift Gyms.”
My mouth falls open. “Aren’t those the super exclusive and expensive ones that cost like half a grand a month or something?”
She nods. “The very one.”
“Shit, Jenna, that’s—”
“I know,” she squeals quietly. “I can’t believe one party is basically changing my life.”
I knock my mug against hers. “I’m so proud of you.”
She blows me a kiss. “Gonna go back to bed.”
I would too, but I need to shower and get ready to see Levi and Cole again.
I close the latest book Cole has given me as I step out of my Uber and walk up to the front door of their house. The rain has eased but the skies are still an angry grey as the afternoon sinks into early evening.
Before I can knock, the door swings open and Cole appears. I’ve seen him plenty of times now, I’ve had him inside me and yet I’m still breathless whenever I look at him. His dark hair is perfectly styled on his head, slightly longer and tapered on the top and short on the sides. Green eyes gleam, assessing me carefully.
I swallow and hold up the book. It’s the third one in four weeks. Chariot of Death. His favourite apparently. “I think this is the best one you’ve given me so far,” I say in greeting, handing him the book.
“You’re already done?” Cole asks as he moves aside to let me in.
I shrug. “You’re going to run out soon.You’re turning me into a psychological thriller fiend.”
Behind me, Cole shuts the door and comes up next to me. “I can always buy more if you finish them,” he says with an easy shrug. “But I’m more interested in turning you into another kind of fiend.”