Page 64 of Fletch
Sitting on the toilet, I open my phone to text Ruby.
Me: Something came up at work. Have you got your key to let yourself in at home? xx
She replies right away.
Ruby: Yes. See you when you get back xx
Seeing the kisses at the end of her text makes me sob harder. Maybe seeing Fletch has helped her forgive me slightly.
Me: I won’t have my phone on me so if you need me urgently, call the station. xx
I stand and lift the back off the toilet system. I turn off my phone, drop it into a clear evidence bag, and place it in the water. Then I step from the cubicle, rinse my tear-stained face, and go back to Karen’s office, where two men in suits are waiting for me.
I check my watch. It’s late as Ruby stands to leave. “I’ll walk you back,” I offer. “I’ve had a drink, so I can’t take you on the bike.”
She smiles, hooking her arm in mine. “Thanks.”
It feels good. She’s a nice kid, and she handled the brothers really well today. It’s almost like she was cut out for club life.
As we leave, the brothers each say goodbye, and I’m filled with pride as we head out. This morning, my life felt empty and messy, but now, there’s hope. Maybe I can be what Ruby needs, and it’s not like she’s asking for anything from me, just to get to know me.
We walk in silence the entire way, but it’s comfortable. Maybe we’ve spoken so much, we’re out of words. We slow as we reach Gemma’s house. “Today was lovely,” she says. “Thank you.”
“It was,” I agree. “Thanks for not taking no for an answer.”
She laughs. “I think we’ve already established who I take after for stubbornness.”
I look past her towards the house and make out a figure hunched over on the doorstep. I pull Ruby behind me in alarm and move closer, soon realising it’s Gemma. I stop at her feet, and she finally looks up. Her eyes are swollen and red. She’s been crying.
She pushes to stand, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “I forgot my key,” she tells Ruby.
“Why didn’t you call?” asks Ruby, producing her key. “How long have you been out here?”
Gemma avoids my curious stare, forcing a smile. “It’s fine. I told you, I didn’t have my phone. Are you okay?” she asks, sounding hopeful.
“I’m fine, but if you’re asking if I’ve forgiven you, then no.” Ruby unlocks the door. “Thanks for today, Fletch. I’ll call you.”
I give a nod, and she goes inside, leaving me and Gemma alone. Gemma sniffles, wiping her wet cheeks as she stares after Ruby. “Are you okay?” I ask.
She brings her eyes back to me and stares for the longest time with a range of emotions passing over her face. “Goodnight,” she whispers, going to walk inside. I frown, confused by her weird behaviour, and I grab her wrist to stop her. She slowly turns back to face me. “Spend the next few days getting to know Ruby, cos next week, we’re moving away.”
“I lost my job,” she announces, and my heart stutters. “But I guess you already knew that part.”
“Snap, I?—”
She rips her wrist from my grasp. “Don’t fucking call me that.”
I take a few steps back. “It wasn’t personal,” I mutter.
She scoffs, then marches towards me, rearing her hand back. I catch it before she hits my face and twist her away from me so her back is to my front. I hold her against me, despite her fighting to break free. “You’ve ruined my life,” she cries angrily. “I didn’t do anything to you to deserve this.”
“That’s not true, is it, Gemma? You lied . . . for years.”
“You only just found out about that,” she spits. “That video was with the police for days. Everyone has viewed it.” She sobs harder. “They all know.”