Page 7 of Rascal
Meg followed Rascal down off the stage as he and the others from the MC handed out the commemoration plaques to those that had family members who served on D-Day. She fought back tears as she listened to some of the stories the family members told about their loved ones.
When she’d said yes to this speech, she’d never imagined the impact it would have on her. She’d been fighting tears back since the first story she’d heard. She was normally the one teaching, but today, it was a treat to observe the interactions and bask in how thankful everyone was.
After they finished chatting, Rascal was planning on them eating lunch and then enjoying the patriotic concert this afternoon. Tomorrow’s activities were a poker run to raise money and then an evening dance with a live band.
In such a short time, she’d fallen in love with this small town and the people here. She wasn’t sure what she felt for Rascal, but whatever it was, it was growing stronger the longer they were together.
Chapter Five
Rascal kept his hand along Meg’s back as they walked up the steps to his porch. He paused to unlock the door, then turned to the woman who had captivated him.
“We can go in the house, spend time together and then go to our separate bedrooms, but I’d really like to hold you tonight while we sleep, even if that’s all we do.”
He saw the heat flare in Meg’s eyes. He was sure his were blazing because this woman had him tied in knots. The hunger building for her was a raging inferno, but whether it was tonight or two weeks from now, he would wait as long as he needed for her to be sure. Once he was inside her, she was his and there was no going back.
“I think I’d like to have you hold me while we sleep.”
He let out a breath and nodded. He held the door open as she walked in. Beeping greeted them as soon as they walked in.
He glanced around, trying to figure out what the sound was. Meg let go of his hand, heading toward his guest room.
“I think it’s my phone. I left it here because I didn’t want to have to worry about it when I didn’t have any pockets today.”
Rascal followed her into the bedroom, waiting while she glanced at the messages. Her eyes widened, and then he saw her tremble.
He pulled her into his arms. “Something’s got you shook. Can I see?”
She nodded, handing her phone to him, leaning her head against his shoulder, and wrapping her arms around him. He held her tight with one hand while he scrolled back to the first messages today.
President Glass 10:15 am: I need you to come to my office. As you are unemployed, I need access to your history department funds.
President Glass 10:45 am: Listen, Margaret, don’t ignore me. Come to my office right now.
President Glass 11:00 am: I went by your house and was unable to open your doors. As a residence provided by the college, you are required to allow staff entry. Call me immediately.
President Glass 11:15 am: Margaret, I’m not messing around. I need access to your department funds, and you will allow maintenance into your house to do a spot check immediately.
President Glass 11:30 am: This is your last warning. Get to my office. You won’t like what happens if you don’t.
President Glass 11:35 am: I mean it.
President Glass 11:39 am: Do you think you can hide from me?
President Glass 11:42 am: When I find you, you will be very sorry.
President Glass 11:55 am: What the hell are you doing in Bluff Creek, Kansas?
President Glass 12:00 pm: If you’re not back on Sunday, I’m coming for you, bitch. You better have the keys to your house and your code.
Rascal wasn’t sure what was going on with this guy, but he sounded unhinged. A wave of protectiveness welled up and Rascal knew to get things done, he needed to concentrate on facts. If he allowed his emotions to rule, he’d drive to Slate City and teach her former boss a lesson he wouldn’t forget.
“I promise I will keep you safe, Meg.”
He laid the phone down so he could rub his hand up and down her back. He needed a little more information.
“Are you up to answering a few questions?”
She nodded against his shoulder.