Page 2 of Romancing the Omega
Summer smiled gratefully at Caden, then looked back at Grey. “My brother is divorced. He’s an omega, but he married a woman. Now he’s a single parent. I know he’d love to have support from other dads.”
Grey looked straight at him. “Aww, a single dad. Single.”
Caden swallowed hard. Single. Oh god, the angel was single. This was it. Wait, he was also previously married to a woman. Hmm.
“I know Yeo plans on having a daily children’s story time. I think he’ll meet a lot of other parents then too,” Summer said. “You should bring your son. He’s tiny, but it couldn’t hurt, right?”
“Now there’s an idea,” Grey said, stroking Rue’s head. “You could spend some time with your unofficial nephew. What do you say, Uncle Caden?”
“I could make the time,” Caden said casually. His heart sped up at the thought of being close to Yeo. His name was Yeo. He sighed, and Grey snorted. Summer watched him curiously.
“Bun bun,” Linc said, petting Huckleberry. He laid his head on Caden’s shoulder, and Caden’s fast-beating heart melted. The kid was damn cute. “Bun bun,” the little boy repeated with awe.
“Linc,” Summer said, holding her arms out. “Come on.” The boy ignored her.
“We can watch him,” Grey said. “We were just going to walk around the store.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t mind? Yeo could probably use some help at the front,” Summer said. “We haven’t had time to find an official sitter. You’re one of the few people I know here, and Yeo is an extreme homebody, so he knows even less people than I do. You wouldn’t think it to see him at work, but once he’s done for the day, he doesn’t leave the apartment.”
“We won’t mind a bit,” Grey said. “Come on, Caden. Let’s go look at the comic books.” They threaded through the crowds. Summer ran to the front, and Grey smirked at him as he thumbed through the comics. “I knew he was divorced, you know. I was just asking for you.”
“How did you know?”
“Hannah and Summer are good friends, and Summer confided in her. I’m not one to spread gossip, so I didn’t say anything to anyone.” Grey looked around. “There are a lot of alphas here today. I wonder if they’re checking out the new omega.” Caden panicked, spinning around in circles and counting the alphas.
Linc giggled. “Whee.”
“Oh my god, you have it bad.” Grey started laughing and didn’t seem inclined to stop.
“What’s so funny?” Caden’s brother-in-law, Elijah, asked as he reached them. His daughter, Olive, ran around the store, admiring everything. The girl loved reading, and Caden knew he’d be buying his niece some books today. He might even buy one of those Harry Potter wands she was currently staring at. He had to keep an edge to stay the favorite uncle.
“Caden is in looove,” Grey said, drawing the word out. “He has the hots for Summer’s brother.”
Elijah looked at him, eyes wide and glistening. His smile was luminous. “Really?” Pregnant men were ridiculous, Caden thought. He watched the hearts fill Elijah’s eyes and sighed. God help him.
“Caden, dear.” Susan Benson swept in, kissing his cheek. “Who is this darling little boy?”
“This is Linc,” he said gruffly. “He belongs to the bookstore owner.”
“Love bun bun and Cay Cay,” Linc said, smiling at Caden’s mom.
Grey and Elijah leaned on each other. “Aww,” they said in unison.
“Did you hear that?” Grey patted his eyes with his sleeve.
“He said he loved Caden,” Elijah said, lip trembling again.
“No he didn’t,” Caden said, trying not to roll his eyes like a heathen. He spent way too much time with Grey, Justin, and Abel. “He’s a baby. Don’t put words in his mouth.” He turned back to his mom, the sanest of the three people in front of him. “How do you like the bookstore?”
“It’s charming,” she said. “I can see your father and me spending a lot of time here when we’re in town.” She smiled wickedly. “Your father is taking the opportunity to buy all your books while we’re here. We have a set of them back home, but he wants a set for the vacation house too.”
“I think he’s why my book sales have rocketed,” Caden said wryly. “Does he know that he doesn’t have to buy books he probably won’t read, just because they’re mine?”
“Not at all,” Susan said. “Besides, I love Roxanne Baxter, so they will be read.”
“The better question is does he know he doesn’t have to buy them eight hundred times,” Elijah said, laughing. He pointed at the front of the store. Caden’s dad had several copies of each of his books.
“He likes to give them as gifts,” Susan said, giving a delicate shrug.