Page 13 of Among the Stars
“I don’t have fans.”
Pretty clueless for such a smart man. He could have made his fortune on looks alone, but Veronica doubted so.
“She practically memorized your article. But don’t worry, I’ll rein her in. No touching the muscles, sniffing the neck, or staring at your ass.”
That one earned her an unamused expression. “I appreciate that. You should know that I’m originally from Indiana, started in the restaurant business as a dishwasher at sixteen, and prefer bourbon over whiskey.”
Each bullet point—which she’d already known from Emma’s fangirl ravings—was said without inflection. She couldn’t help but notice what he’d left out.
“What about your family?”
“No family.” This time, Veronica watched his hands instead of his face. The knuckles were white.
His grip on the wheel tightened. “None.”
Interesting. If they were entering a real relationship, she might push a little harder—since there had to be a relative out there somewhere—but since they’d be parting ways in a matter of hours, he could keep his secrets.
“Well, don’t worry about facing a full-on interrogation. Everyone in my family likes to talk, so you probably won’t have to say much at all.”
The hands relaxed, and Veronica felt more than saw the tension leave his body. “Good to know.”