Page 19 of Among the Stars
“Are we okay?” she asked. “I swear I never meant to mislead you.”
Cam rose and offered a hand. “We’re okay. I’d better go back in and help with the dishes.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“The rest of the men would say otherwise.”
Veronica rose, and her breasts brushed his chest. Despite the frigid temps, his heat penetrated her sweater. “Are you always so astute, Mr. Rhodes?”
“The way I grew up, I had to be.”
A reference to his childhood? The man was full of surprises.
“That doesn’t sound like the result of a positive experience.”
Taking her hand, he led her back to the French doors. “It wasn’t.”
* * *
The restof the day passed without incident. Wherever Cam was, Penelope wasn’t far away. She was full of questions, most based on insightful observations well beyond her years. First was the question about his financial situation. Having noticed the difference between Cam’s clothing and that of the Hamilton men, she’d surmised that he must have a lot more money than everyone else.
Cam had informed her that lots of people had more money than he did and left it at that. After lunch, Veronica had opened her presents and taken great delight in each personal offering. A bright-red scarf. A moleskin journal. The new set of headphones she’d been eying for use in the studio. She’d grown more animated with each package, and Cam appreciated witnessing such unbridled joy.
There hadn’t been enough of that in his life, especially of late.
When it was time to leave, Cam took great satisfaction in Penelope’s insistence that she kiss him goodbye. Uncle Ash, who? Even the older kids had paused their video games to bid him and Veronica farewell. They’d loaded her new items into the car as Mr. Hamilton examined the BMW. The delight on the older man’s face when Cam suggested he give the leather driver’s seat a try rivaled that of his daughter’s present-opening enthusiasm.
The drive to her place passed in comfortable silence, primarily due to Cam being the only one awake. His passenger had sighed, hugged the new scarf close, and abruptly passed out. Between the alcohol and lack of sleep the night before, he was surprised she hadn’t drifted off sooner.
“We’re here,” Cam said, waking her with a gentle shake. He’d already carried the other presents to the porch and was prepared to carry Veronica as well, if necessary.
“What?” She glanced around. “Oh my gosh. Did I fall asleep?”
“You’ve had a long twenty-four hours.” He helped her out of the car, and she shook her head to clear away the sleep. “Sorry about that. I fought it for the last hour we were there, and then your German engineering knocked me right out.”
“The Germans tend to do that.”
“That’s another joke,” she mumbled. “You’re becoming a regular comedian.”
“It’s always been my dream.”
Cam took her keys and unlocked the front door. Once inside, she kicked off her shoes and turned his way.
“That is so much better.” The removal of the boots left her several inches shorter. “Has anyone told you you’re really tall?”
He nodded. “Penelope made the observation earlier today.”
“You must seem like a giant to her.”
“She’s four. Everyone is a giant to her.”
They stood close, Veronica staring up at him with a bleary expression and a curve to her lips. He wanted to taste those lips more than he’d wanted anything in a long, long time.
“This is the end of our date,” Cam said.
Veronica sighed. “I guess it is. Thank you again. You made a great fake boyfriend.”
The word fake annoyed him. “I’ll add that to my resume.”