Page 31 of Among the Stars
Chapter Eight
Veronica was floatingin wedding planning hell made all the worse because it kept her from seeing Cam.
She’d left with Ash and Jesse on Wednesday, looking slightly more disheveled than when she’d arrived, and likely wearing a ridiculously mind-blown expression. My God, the man could kiss. Ash had given her an I-know-what-you-were-doing look when she and Cam finally met them at the bar.
Thursday was flower shopping with Ash, while Jesse hunted down a dress with her mother and some friends. Thank heaven Veronica had been excused from that nightmare. As expected, several florists turned them away due to the short notice, but the fifth option had just received a miraculous cancellation. Veronica felt bad for the bride who had nixed her nuptials, but her loss was Ash’s gain.
It wasn’t until they’d settled the bill that things went south. The florist assumed that Ash and Veronica were the happy couple. Ash had nearly outed her as his ex-wife, until Veronica kicked him in the shin, and he changed his response to best woman. A title she still didn’t like, but it was better than looking pathetic in front of a total stranger.
Friday started with a whirlwind of activity, but at least tonight she’d see Cam. They needed to pick up where they’d left off before she broke her battery-operated boyfriend. The little guy was getting a workout, and she desperately wanted the real thing. Soon. Consummating the fake relationship probably obliterated the fake part, but she was choosing not to overanalyze this new development.
Better to live in the moment, and the moment was feeling really damn good.
After helping Ash assemble an amazing band—consisting of a dream team of session players—for the wedding, Veronica went suit shopping, which she’d insisted on doing alone. The Dillard’s at Cool Springs Galleria provided the perfect ensemble. Feminine enough to show off her curves, but androgynous enough to befit the occasion. She was the only groomsman—groomswoman, rather—that Ash would have, so at least she didn’t need to match anyone else.
Tonight was the combination bachelor and bachelorette party, which was being held at Veronica’s house. She’d assumed they’d skip this part, but Ash was determined that Jesse have the full experience. That would have been easier if they hadn’t insisted on shoving everything into six days, but she understood the reasoning and offered up her place. A quick trip to the liquor store—with Ash’s credit card—had filled the bar for the night, and Veronica had lucked into booking her usual bartender, Jae-ho Lee, due to another last-minute cancellation.
The finger foods had been delivered, Jae-ho was setting up in the kitchen, and Veronica was upstairs digging through her closet for the right outfit. She wanted to look sexy for Cam, but not as if she was trying to show up the bride-to-be. Not knowing what Jesse would be wearing only added to the conundrum. Three dresses had been discarded because she’d worn each at different events with Ash. The next three were either too casual, too slinky, or not casually slinky enough.
Number seven was a contender. A beautiful azure blue that matched her eyes, the shirt dress offered three-quarter length sleeves and a casual flare that said she was comfortable with her ex moving on. The bonus was that she could leave just enough buttons left undone so that Cam could catch an occasional glimpse of the new lacy number she’d snagged at Victoria’s Secret during her shopping spree. Semi-annual sale for the win.
If he played his cards right, the matching set would be on full display by morning.
After slipping into suede ankle boots with a reasonable wedge, Veronica hurried downstairs to check on Jae-ho. Before she reached the last step, the doorbell rang. She’d told Ash there was no need to arrive early. This party was her duty, and they had plenty of other tasks on their plates.
Opening the door, she said, “I told you not to. . . Oh, it’s you.”
Cam stood on her porch dressed in his typical all black. “You said come any time after seven.”
“Is it after seven?” How had she lost track of time?
“Not for another half hour, no.” Eliminating the space between them, he cupped Veronica’s face and kissed her senseless. His scent, pine and spice and a musk that was all his own, filled her senses as his seductive mouth robbed her of the ability to breathe. Slowly drawing back, he murmured, “That’s why I’m early.”
Veronica clung to the lapels of his coat. “I don’t mind.”
Strong hands caressed her hips as he whispered against her forehead. “Can I come in?”
“Hell, yes.” She pulled him inside with the intention of making positive use of the next thirty minutes, but Jae-ho picked that moment to stroll into the living room, reminding Veronica that they weren’t alone. Damn him.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said, revealing exactly how much he’d seen. “I’m just looking for the extra cups. I doubt these two small packages are going to be enough for the night.”
“Crap.” This is why she should have made a list. “Let me have Ash pick some up on his way over.” She spun around looking for her cell phone. “If I can just find my. . .”
“The coffee table,” Cam said as he slipped out of his coat and slung it over his arm.
Sure enough, the phone was on the table. Veronica looked from the device to her date. “You’re good.”
“At many things.” The innuendo sent a shiver down to her toes. “You’re welcome to test me later.”
This was going to be the longest party of her life.
For a millisecond, she considered asking him exactly what this leap forward in their relationship meant. If they took the step they both appeared more than ready for, would they still be over after the wedding? Was this simply a fringe benefit to playing the pretend couple? At her parents’ house, he’d said that if they weren’t affectionate, their act wouldn’t be believable. But the majority of their affection had taken place without an audience. That seemed like a good indication that Cam saw this as more than a thorough performance.
Or did he? Did she even want more? They still knew little about each other, and Cam showed no signs of opening up to her. Why push her luck? Better to enjoy the adventure and deal with the fall out if and when it came.
“Where do you want this?” Cam asked, holding up his coat as she retrieved the cell phone.
“They go in the back bedroom at the end of the hall past the kitchen. Hold on and I’ll take it back there.”