Page 33 of Among the Stars
Squeezing past an animated group near the couch, he found an empty spot at the base of the stairs. “We need to work on your friend list.”
“Melanie’s a minor acquaintance.”
“Then why did you choose her to go out drinking with?”
Her gaze dropped. “I have more acquaintances than friends.”
“You said you throw parties like this all the time.”
She nodded and sipped her wine. “I do. They come. They drink. They go home saying they were here.”
“Veronica, it’s clear that people in this room respect you.”
“They’re coworkers in the industry. As you can imagine, it isn’t easy being a woman producer in this town. I put in a lot of work to build relationships.”
“And Ash?” The man of the hour was holding court with a large group near the pass-through to the kitchen. “He’s producing now?”
Delicate fingers toyed with a button on Cam’s shirt. “There’s room for both of us.” Her eyes lingered on the man who’d never been what she needed.
“You deserve better,” he growled.
“I’d like to think so.”
“What time is this party over?” The sooner the better.
Her head pressed against his sternum. “Not soon enough.”
Cam’s thoughts exactly.
* * *
Veronica would not have survivedthe evening without Cam by her side. He handled a drunken dispute without a fist being thrown or a drink being spilled. When she tensed from one off-handed reference to when she and Ash were married, he eradicated them both from the conversation with economy and grace. And when the clock reached two in the morning, Cam made the last call announcement, and not a single person argued.
A good time was had by all, and tomorrow she could relax. The rehearsal would be on Sunday morning, so the bar could open at noon as normal, leaving Veronica with one entire day when she didn’t have to see the couple, assist the couple, or celebrate the couple in any way.
All things considered, this endeavor had been a virtually painless process. Multiple elements had fallen into place through sheer luck, and Jesse was even starting to grow on her. She wasn’t the bossy tyrant the gossips had made her out to be. Veronica should have known as much. Ash was a better judge of character than that.
“Jae-ho is finishing in the kitchen, and there’s a car outside for the last three guests.” Cam stood close behind her and slid his arms around her middle as she watched the last partygoers climb into a Tahoe and drive off. “Are you okay?”
She was. Thanks to him.
“You were a huge help tonight.”
He kissed the back of her head. “I’m used to dealing with crowds.”
Veronica turned in his arms. “It was more than that. I’ve asked a lot of you in the last few days.”
“Nothing too difficult.”
Humble to the end.
“You spent several hours with my family. That alone should earn you hazard pay. Then you gave Ash and Jesse your club.”
A warm hand splayed across her back, distracting her. “Only one floor,” he corrected.
“That’s more than most would do for a stranger.”
Cam tipped her face up. “You aren’t a stranger, Veronica.”