Page 18 of Awakening Anna
Chapter Nine
Six hours had never seemed so long.
Though she’d only agreed to dinner, she considered backing out. Her body felt like a new model, as if she’d been upgraded during the night and had yet to adjust to the changes. Throughout the day, she was intensely aware of every touch, smell, and sound.
One cool breeze from the air conditioning and her body went on alert. The deep timber of a man’s voice had her glancing around, searching for Max’s pirate smile.
The memories were the worst.
Flashes of Max, covered in sweat and driving into her, came without warning. Sitting only resulted in squirming in her chair, the feel of Max’s hands on her skin as real as if he were there. The man was haunting her, turning her day into a battle to keep the constant arousal from showing on her face.
“Almost closing time,” a man said, startling Anna where she stood behind the checkout desk.
Louis Drummond, a prominent city council member, read children’s books aloud every other Sunday. He was single, slightly older than Anna, and quite attractive.
He’d also never given her the time of day.
A quick glance at the large clock on the wall behind her showed the time to be three fifty-eight. Anna silently said a prayer of thanks that her work day was finally over. She’d already done her rounds, ensuring no stragglers remained. She wasn’t sure how she’d missed Lou.
“Yes, it is. I guess we’ll see you again in two weeks.” Anna offered a friendly smile, expecting the man to head for the exit.
“Did you do something different with your hair?” he asked, leaning on the counter. “It looks good all up like that.”
Checking to make sure her clip was firmly in place, Anna said. “I wear it like this all the time.” Something he’d know if he didn’t look through her every time they met. “I really need to lock the doors so—”
“Do you have plans tonight?” he asked. “If not, I’d love to take you to dinner.”
Anna blinked several times before the revelation hit. Lynnlee had joked once that a woman fresh off a night of good sex gave off some kind of open-for-business vibe for several days after. Thanks to Max, she must have been hurling pheromones around like a cat in heat.
“I’m sorry,” Anna said, keeping her smile professional. “I have plans for dinner. But thank you for asking.”
She reached below the desk for her keys when Lou grabbed her free hand. “How about next weekend? I’ll buy you dinner Friday night, and then breakfast Saturday morning.”
Great. Now she had I’ll screw you on the first date scrawled across her forehead.
“I don’t think so.” Attempts to break his hold failed. “It’s time to close up. You’ll have to leave the library now.”
“Come on. One dinner.”
“She said no.” The firm statement came from Anna’s left. She didn’t have to look to identify the speaker.
Lou loosened his grip as he turned to face Max, allowing Anna to pull free.
“I was talking to the lady, not you,” he said.
The lady? She had a name.
“And she answered you. She also told you to leave.”
Two alpha males fighting over a woman worked in fiction, but wasn’t the least bit sexy in real life.
“There’s no reason to blow this out of proportion,” Anna said.
“Maybe I’m not ready to leave,” Lou challenged, ignoring her.
For heaven’s sake. What was next? Pistols at dawn?
“Anna is ready for you to leave. That’s all that matters.” Max held his ground without flinching when Lou took a step forward.