Page 26 of Awakening Anna
Chapter Twelve
“I never would have guessedit, but that sex scene in the dugout was seriously hot.”
The Happy Hearts Book Club nodded as one, in total agreement with Gina’s opinion.
“Jimmy played baseball in high school,” Deloris said, pounding a burp out of her two-month-old. “This book reminded me of when we first started dating. We tested the hell out of the shocks on that old Dodge. And last night, we tested the legs on the kitchen table.”
Gina gave Deloris a high five as Anna said, “I preferred the shower scene myself.”
Silence loomed until Verna purred, “Is there something you want to share with the group, Madame Librarian?”
“Nope.” The timer went off on Anna’s phone, signaling the end of the meeting. “That’s all for today, ladies. Next month we’ll travel back to Georgian England with Eloisa James. You might want to brush up on your chess for this one.”
The group chatted as they gathered their things, and Anna said goodbye to each as they left the room. As usual, Verna lagged behind.
“You’re holding out on us, missy. The new sass in your step is a dead giveaway.”
Anna leaned in to whisper, “Page two hundred twenty-seven was rather . . . enlightening.”
“That’s my girl,” said Verna with a swat on Anna’s shoulder.
Anna picked up several abandoned books on her trip to the main desk, humming a tune as she went. She hadn’t felt much like humming after Max flew out of her life. She hadn’t felt like doing much of anything.
But after three nights of sleeping on her couch, Anna ripped the sheets off the bed and got on with her life. Her weekend with Max had been amazing, and she was grateful for the gift, but a full life rolled out before her, and Anna looked forward to the future.
Not that she didn’t miss Max. Thanks to the internet, she’d followed his book tour from San Diego to Seattle, cheering in her living room when, at the final stop, he shared the good news that his novel would be made into a movie. The celebrated author was going to break a slew of hearts as he smiled from the red carpet.
Likely with a beautiful starlet on his arm.
Whoever she would be, Anna hoped the woman would know how lucky she was.
“If you don’t need me anymore, I’m going to head home,” Sylvia said, pulling Anna from her thoughts. “I’ve shelved all the returns through an hour ago, but I can check the bin again if you want.”
“No need. I can get to them.”
As Sylvia filled out her timesheet, she said, “Any big plans for the weekend?”
“Nothing tonight, but Lynnlee and I are seeing a movie tomorrow.”
If Lynnlee had her way, Anna would be joining her sister’s entourage at a local club later that evening. She’d given the new hot spot a try the week before, enduring two hours of screaming to be heard and dodging come-ons from men barely old enough to drink. That had been more than enough nightlife for Anna.
Kicking off her weekend with a glass of wine and a good book was a much better way to spend her time.
“What are you going to see?”
Anna signed the timesheet Sylvia slid her way. “I have no idea. It’s Lynnlee’s turn to pick, so I’m sure the cast will include some kind of man candy, as my sister calls it.”
The older woman laughed. “That isn’t such a bad thing, is it?”
With a knowing grin, Anna said, “Not bad at all.”
Sylvia pulled a set of keys out of her purse. “I almost forgot. A package came during your book club meeting. I set it on the back counter there.” She pointed to a long, thick manila envelope. “It’s from Los Angeles.”
“Thanks,” Anna said. She knew only one person who lived in Los Angeles.
Moving the envelope to the front counter, Anna examined the package. Both the library’s and the return address were on typed labels, which provided no clues. Not that she’d recognize Max’s handwriting if she saw it.
Whatever was inside was too big to be a book. Too thick to be a magazine. And too heavy to be a stack of fliers. Sliding a letter opener down the right side, Anna lifted the opposite end and poured the contents onto the counter.