Page 27 of Love Me, Cowboy
“So why weren’t you?”
She had no idea what had gotten into her friend, but Claire didn’t appreciate the flash of anger aimed her way. Then she caught a look at MC’s eyes in the torchlights. She looked as if she’d been crying.
“I had a fight with my mother and needed some air. Why were you crying?”
“Don’t be silly,” MC said, looking anywhere but at her two best friends. The women who knew her better maybe than she knew herself.
“It was Jax, wasn’t it?” George asked, drawing a gasp of surprise from Claire.
“Jax was here?” Jax Tipton had been MC’s moment of rebellion in high school, and if her dad and Marilyn hadn’t stopped them, they might be a married couple today. So this was the reason George had been so vocal about her not marrying Brad.
If Jax put that look in MC’s eyes, she wasn’t over him.
“He was,” MC said, her voice low and gravelly. “We ran into each other in the house.”
“You mean you followed him into the house.” George crossed her arms. “What happened?”
MC bit her bottom lip as she snagged a flute of champagne off a passing tray. “Nothing.”
“Liar,” Georgia said.
“Lighten up, George,” Claire scolded, noticing the flute shaking in MC’s grasp. “How far did it go?” she asked gently.
“Far enough for me to know I’m making the right choice.”
There was no conviction behind the words. No confidence or even a hint of happiness. If anything, MC sounded more confused than ever. Claire instantly felt bad for not being here for the toast. And for not paying more attention to what was going on in her friend’s head.
And heart.
“We’re here to support you, no matter what choice you make,” Claire said, determined to let MC know she could still turn this ship around.
“Yeah,” George said, nudging MC with her shoulder. “We’re here. No matter what boneheaded thing you pull next.”
That gained a weak smile from the future bride, who still looked miserable, but a bit relieved. “Marrying Brad isn’t boneheaded,” she defended.
“Who said it is?” George asked, shooting for innocent and missing by a long shot.
As the women laughed softly together, Reed and Tyler joined them. “Hey,” Tyler said, his eyes lingering on Claire in a way that sent her temperature spiking.
“Hey yourself,” MC answered. “Where’ve you been?”
Tyler shrugged. “Around.”
“Yeah,” he answered, smartly diverting his gaze from Claire. “I needed something at the cabin so I took the four-wheeler home to get it.”
“I bet you did,” George said, innuendo dripping from her voice.
“Did you and Reed have a nice time at the barn?” he asked, wiping the grin off Georgia’s face.
“You and Reed went to the barn?” Claire asked. She hoped Georgia wasn’t toying with Reed. He really was a good guy.
Reed turned a shade of red that matched Tyler’s shirt as Georgia said, “You’re still a little shit, Tyler.”
Tension sparked for several seconds before MC said, “This might be the most interesting barbeque this ranch has seen in years.” Taking Reed by the arm, MC said, “Let’s eat, everyone.”
The three left behind exchanged knowing glances until George said, “You heard her, y’all. Let’s eat.”