Page 33 of Love Me, Cowboy
Silly since she’d only left his house less than an hour before, giving her time to shower and dress and get to the rehearsal. Her hair wasn’t even dry when she hopped in the car.
“This is your night,” Claire said, evading her friend’s direct gaze. “I’m just happy for you.”
“You don’t expect me to believe that, do you?”
“Oh, look,” Claire said, thankful for the distraction. “Here’s Georgia.”
“Thank God there’s wine,” Georgia said in greeting, looking angry and sullen in her bright-yellow dress that showed off her long legs to perfection. Claire felt a twinge of jealousy, then remembered her mirror session with Tyler and decided she was fine just the way she was.
“You’re late,” MC said, pouring wine into the flute Georgia held with impatience. “Trouble peeling yourself off the vet?”
“Something like that,” George answered, downing half her glass. “Now let’s get this show on the road.” Stilettos snapped out a staccato beat as the former model charged out of the tiny room MC would be using as a dressing room tomorrow.
“What’s wrong with her?” MC asked. “You’d think she was the one playing lead in this spectacle.”
At the rate her friends were going, Claire would be lucky if they gave her a pat on the back once she and Tyler shared their news.
“George is moody on a good day, and you know how she feels about your stepmother.” Claire took the bride by the elbow, leading her into the hall. “Which is why we should probably get out there before Marilyn says something that provokes our volleyball player into spiking a bouquet in her face.”
“I would pay to see that,” MC said, picking up her pace.
Five minutes later, the rehearsal began. Somehow, Tyler had finagled the groomsmen order so that he and Claire were paired up for the trip down the aisle. Georgia shot her a raised-brow look when she joined her at the front of the church. Claire tried to pretend nothing had changed, but the moment Tyler shot her a grin, then tucked her hand against his side, memories of what they’d done all afternoon flooded back.
She could no more stop the blush crawling up her cheeks than bank the sparkle she knew was dancing in her eyes. There was no denying it. Claire Campbell was head over heels in love with Tyler Holly. And as soon as this rehearsal was over, she’d tell her two best friends in the world, and she hoped they would be happy for her.
An hour later, Claire worried that moment would never come, since Marilyn seemed determined to make this rehearsal go on forever. First, she didn’t like the speed at which the bridal party came down the aisle. Then she didn’t approve of how Brad took MC’s hand from her father. The woman even had the nerve to tell the preacher how to do his job.
Claire could hear Georgia grinding her teeth beside her, and even MC’s father ran out of patience. When Marilyn insisted the bridal party rehearse their exit for a third time, Billy Holly stepped in and declared the rehearsal over. His overbearing wife tried to argue, but the Holly patriarch shut her down with words Claire couldn’t hear from her vantage point.
Whatever he said, Marilyn clammed up, and everyone in the church sprinted for the parking lot while they had the chance. Which was the moment Claire and Tyler chose to make their move.
“Could I talk to you two for a second?” Claire asked, laying a hand on each of her best friends’ arms before they stepped from the church into the cool Texas night. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Sure,” MC said, “but what’s so important that you can’t tell us tonight?”
Both Claire and Georgia had agreed to spend MC’s last night as a single woman with her out at the Double H.
“Well,” Claire said, smiling as Tyler stepped up beside her. “I’m not sharing this news alone.”
“I knew it,” George said, smacking Tyler on the arm. “And it’s about damn time.”
“Easy there,” he said, elbowing her back. “I’ve got to escort a pretty girl on that arm tomorrow.”
“Is this what I think it is?” Mary Catherine asked. “Are you two finally hooking up?”
“Not exactly how I’d say it,” Claire said, nerves making her squeeze Tyler’s hand. “Would you mind if we became sisters-in-law?”
“Oh my God!” MC exclaimed, throwing her arms around the happy couple. “Of course not.” Stepping back, she grinned at her brother, but spoke to Claire. “I knew you two had the hots for each other, but really? Marriage?”
Claire nodded, unable to keep the smile from splitting her face.
“Are you sure you want to settle for this ornery cowboy?” MC asked. “He’s pretty rough around the edges.”
“He’s just right,” Claire said, tucking herself against Tyler’s side. “And he isn’t rough at all. In fact, he’s quite smooth to the touch.”
It was Tyler’s turn to blush as Georgia said, “Go get ’em, Claire Bear.”
“I am now highly uncomfortable with the direction this is taking.” Mary Catherine gave Claire another hug. “This is the best girl in the world, Tyler.” Pointing at her brother’s nose, she added, “If you hurt her, I’ll kick your ass.”