Page 6 of Pucking the Team
It smells familiar, like fresh ice and worn leather. It smells like home. I drink in the vibrant atmosphere, memories of my childhood flooding back.
This is my secret truth—the reason I care so much about hockey, the reason I have been dying for a chance to work with this team my whole career.
My father was the head coach of the Blizzards.
I spent countless hours as a child in this practice facility with my parents, watching Dad coach the team he adored. This place was my second home.
Until it wasn’t.
I’ve been fighting for a way back to that feeling of belonging ever since.
Everything feels different now. I’m not a wide-eyed kid anymore, I’m a professional. Squaring my shoulders, I’m ready to prove myself worthy of this incredible opportunity, legacy be damned.
I spot Chloe Bennett, the head of PR and marketing, standing by the reception desk. She’s a confident woman in her early thirties with long, blond hair and sharp features, and looks to be about five months pregnant.
Chloe sees me too, and approaches me with a warm smile and outstretched hand, putting me at ease.
“Emma, welcome! We’re thrilled to have you join the team. I can’t wait to show you around,” Chloe says enthusiastically as we shake hands.
“Thank you so much, Chloe. I’m beyond excited to dive in,” I reply, matching her energy.
Together, we set off through the facility, Chloe’s heels clicking confidently on the polished concrete. I know this place like the back of my hand, of course, but I’m not about to say that.
I don’t want anyone here to know about my family.
Women have a hard enough time working in sports, even without rumors of unfair hiring practices. I got this job fair and square, and I’m determined to earn everyone’s respect the regular way.
I have no illusions that I can keep this secret forever—frankly, anyone who searched my name on the internet could probably figure it out—but for now, I want to be just another normal member of the team.
As we walk through the bustling practice space, I catch glimpses of the dedicated players immersed in their training. The weight room is buzzing with activity as muscled athletes push themselves to the limit under the watchful eye of the strength coach.
In the PT area, players work with trainers to rehab injuries and optimize performance. My mind flashes to the scorching-hot guys I met at the club on Saturday.
Lukas with his panty-melting grin and Slade with that sexy, brooding intensity. I wonder if they’re around here somewhere?
Don’t you dare blush, Emma.
Maybe I’ll get lucky and avoid them all day. The last thing I need is any awkward run-ins while I’m trying to make a stellar first impression.
We enter the marketing department, and my eyes widen at the sight. The walls are adorned with past campaign posters and team memorabilia, a visual tapestry chronicling the Blizzards’ brand evolution. It’s like walking through a hockey history exhibit, each image telling a story of triumph, perseverance, and the unbreakable bond between the team and its dedicated fans.
The fans are really loyal, I’ll give them that. Last year’s season was abysmal, but rumors are that with the new hires the team made, the ticket sales this year are stronger than ever.
Chloe leads me around the marketing office, introducing me to the team. They greet me with warm smiles and firm handshakes, their enthusiasm palpable. But as we approach one desk, I pick up on an odd vibe emanating from the woman seated there.
“Emma, this is Alison, our marketing manager and my second-in-command,” Chloe says, gesturing to the striking brunette.
Alison looks up, her cool gaze assessing me from head to toe. There’s a guardedness in her demeanor that sets her apart from the others’ warm welcome. She offers a tight-lipped smile and a curt nod.
“Welcome to the team, Emma,” Alison says, her tone polite but lacking warmth.
“Thanks, Alison. I’m thrilled to be here,” I reply, trying to echo her professional air.
As we move on, I can’t help but wonder about Alison’s reserved nature. I make a mental note to tread carefully around her, sensing that there may be more to her than meets the eye.
Chloe leads me to my new cubicle, a cozy space already set up with a sleek computer and a Blizzards-themed mousepad. “So, as our new social media manager, your role is crucial in connecting with our fans and elevating the team’s brand,” she explains.
I nod, my mind already buzzing with ideas. “Absolutely. I’m thinking alongside content that informs, we create some video content that will inspire the fans, bring them back into how exciting and emotional hockey can be, and how much they love this team. Really forge those deep connections with the fans, you know?”