Page 63 of Pucking the Team
The words hit me like a punch to the gut. Even the best-case scenario is too long for me. This is supposed to be our comeback year. How the fuck are we going to make that happen when the team captain is sidelined?
I nod bleakly at Dr. Grace’s prognosis, my mind already racing ahead to how I’m going to whip the team into shape while I’m out of commission. As she helps me ease my jersey back on over my aching shoulder, I hear raised voices filtering in from the locker room. Looks like the post-game debrief is already in full swing.
We lost, of course.
I stride out of the medical bay and the voices cut off abruptly as all eyes turn to me.
“Well, fellas, you’ll have to survive without me for a week or two,” I announce, forcing a wry smile. “Separated shoulder.”
A groan goes up from the team. Lukas and Ryan are studiously avoiding each other’s gazes, guilt written all over their faces.
“But that’s not why we lost tonight,” I continue, my voice hardening. I sweep my gaze around the room, taking in each of my teammates’ faces. “Tonight, we weren’t playing as a team. And that’s on me as your captain. I’ve let some personal shit get in the way of what’s best for this squad.”
I zero in on Lukas and Ryan, who are still refusing to look at each other. “You two especially. This beef you have going on, it ends now. The minute you step into this locker room, the only thing that matters is the logo on your chest.”
Lukas opens his mouth to protest, but I cut him off with a slash of my hand.
“I’m not finished. This team, this family, is bigger than any one of us. Bigger than me, bigger than whatever petty grudges you’re holding onto. So you either figure out a way to work together, or you take it up with Coach Daniels,” I finish, my voice steely. “Because believe me, he won’t hesitate to trade your asses out of here if you can’t get your shit together for the good of the team.”
Lukas and Ryan glance at each other, a flash of understanding passing between them. They both give me a tight nod.
“You’re right, captain,” Ryan says. “It won’t happen again.”
“We hear you, Slade,” Lukas chimes in, his usual smirk subdued. “Promise.”
I study them for a long moment, seeing the sincerity in their faces. “Good. See that you keep that promise.”
With that, I dismiss the team to hit the showers. As the locker room clears out, Lukas and Ryan approach me, contrite expressions on their faces.
“Slade, man, I’m sorry,” Lukas says, running a hand through his damp blond hair. “I let my ego get in the way out there. It won’t happen again.”
Ryan nods, his dark eyes serious. “Same here, captain. We both fucked up tonight. Let our personal shit affect the team. It’s not right.”
I study them both, seeing the genuine remorse in their faces. With a sigh, I clap them each on the shoulder with my good arm.
“I appreciate that, you guys. But it’s one thing to hear you say that you’re not going to let it affect the team, and it’s something else entirely to finally fucking deal with it. The two of you need to get together, alone, outside of work, and figure your shit out. The Madison shit, the Emma shit, whatever else might be going on with you.”
Lukas winces, and Ryan is stony-faced. Clearly, both of them hate this idea.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Ryan says gruffly. “We’ll talk it out. Away from here.”
Lukas nods, his jaw tight. “For the team. And for Emma. She doesn’t deserve to be in the middle of our bullshit.”
“Exactly,” I say firmly. “You two are my brothers. My family. I love you both like blood. So I need you to fix this, for all our sakes.”
Emotion flickers across both their faces at my words. Ryan clears his throat. “Love you too, man. You can count on us.”
“What he said,” Lukas agrees, the hint of a smirk returning. “Anything for you, oh wise and glorious captain.”
I snort, shoving him lightly. “Get the fuck out of here, both of you. And send Emma in on your way out, will you?”
Emma peeks her head in a short while later after the locker room has totally cleared out, concern etched on her beautiful face. “Hey, how are you doing? The guys told me what happened.”
She hurries over, those captivating blue eyes wide with worry. I feel a twinge in my chest that has nothing to do with my busted shoulder. Things have been amazing between us lately. She’s been spending at least one night a week over at the loft, and when we travel for games, we all share a room, unofficially.
But my feelings for Emma have been complicating my responsibilities to the team. Tonight proves that.
“I’ll live,” I assure her with a lopsided grin, trying not to wince as I adjust the sling. “Just a separated shoulder. I’ll be back out there before you know it.”