Page 11 of Pucking Amazing
Flustered, I hop into my car and pull out onto the street, heading for home. But my mind is racing the whole drive, thoughts whirling with possibilities I know I shouldn’t entertain.
I’m here to do a job, and do it well. That’s all. It’s important to maintain professional boundaries.
It’s just been so long since I’ve had this kind of spark, this visceral pull of attraction. After what happened with Paul...well, let’s just say my self-esteem and sex drive have been lower than the Blizzards’ penalty kill percentage.
I laugh at myself—proud that I pulled that hockey term out of thin air but 100% sure I could not define it if my life depended on it.
The glint in DJ’s eyes flashes across my mind again and my cheeks flush. Somehow I can’t help but think like I’ll be learning a lot in this new job…in more ways than one.
Later in the week, I take Jason out for burgers, trying to get him back in better spirits. The man has been down ever since the fight two weeks ago, and it pains me to see him this way.
I flash the waitress my trademark smirk as she sets down our waters.
“Thanks. And could we get some extra napkins? Things might get messy later, if you know what I mean.” I wink and she giggles, flushing pink.
She walks off with an exaggerated sway in her hips and, tearing my gaze away from her cute ass, I turn back to Jason. His shoulders are slumped, and he’s spinning his water glass around and around, staring down at the tablecloth like it holds the secrets to the universe.
I frown at his disgruntled expression. This won’t do.
“So I banged these smoking hot Brazilian twins last night. Both had bodies like you wouldn’t believe...” I launch into a raunchy rendition of my latest sexcapade, trying to get a smile out of him.
Jason just gives a half-hearted chuckle, his mind clearly elsewhere.
Leaning forward, I tap his hand. “Alright man, out with it. You’ve been like this all week. What’s going on?”
He sighs deeply, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Fuck, DJ...I just can’t stop thinking about that fight.” His eyes meet mine, swimming with guilt. “I was way out of line. Throwing punches, smashing bottles. I’m supposed to be better than that.”
I wince, memories of fists and blood and splintered wood flashing through my mind.
“Hey, you’re not the only one who lost control.” It was ugly, and Jason definitely wasn’t the worst of it. In fact, as far as I remember, Jason only really threw a punch or two before he ended up dazed and on the floor.
“I know, but...I can’t help feeling responsible, you know? Like I egged them on, made it worse by being so drunk and letting Mikey get to me.” Jason’s voice rises, the words tumbling out faster. “I keep replaying it, thinking if I had just shut my mouth or walked away...”
“Jase. Look at me.” I clasp his shoulder, forcing him to meet my steady gaze. “You fucked up. We all did. But beating yourself up won’t change what happened.”
“I know,” he mumbles. “I do I make this right?”
“Well, you’ve already apologized to Coach and the team—now show them you’re owning your shit. Put in the work to be better.” I squeeze his shoulder. “You’re a good dude. Learn from this and keep moving forward.”
Jason nods slowly, some of the tension easing from his posture. “Thanks, man. I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime brother. I’ve always got your back.” I raise my water. “Now, let’s enjoy ourselves. Doctor’s orders!”
He snorts a laugh, clinking his water glass to mine. I’m relieved to see that the shadows have lifted from his eyes. As for me, I shake off the heavy moment and let my signature smirk slide back into place.
I lean back in my chair, grinning at Jason across the table. “So, speaking of doctors…what do you think of the new counselor they brought in? Sydney?”
I picture the way she blushed when I asked her to coffee and my grin deepens. There’s something about her…
Jason catches my expression and shoots me a warning look. “Careful, DJ. You don’t want to get yourself in trouble by mixing work and sex. Besides, what about the Brazilians?”
“Hey, a man’s got needs,” I say with a shrug, just as our burgers arrive. I take a huge bite, savoring the juicy meat. “Mmm. Damn, they make a good burger here. Almost as tasty as Sydney looked in that little sundress today. Did you see the way?—”
“Dude, seriously,” Jason cuts me off. “She’s my counselor, I can’t think of her that way. Drop it. Let’s talk about something else. Like how Coach is trying to kill us with these extra practices.” He rubs his shoulder with a wince.