Page 116 of Pucking Amazing
“I don’t want you to stress about hockey or what comes next,” Tyler continues, voice gentle but firm. “You are so much more than what you do on the ice. And no matter what, I’ll be right here by your side.”
Emotion clogs my throat. This amazing, wonderful man...I’m so damn lucky to have him.
“I made an appointment with the team doc for tomorrow morning,” I admit quietly. “I’m done pretending this injury isn’t a big deal. Time to face reality.”
Pride shines in Tyler’s eyes. “I’m so glad, DJ.”
“I never would’ve gotten here without you,” I tell him solemnly. “Your support means everything. And Syd’s too, honestly. She really made me see I need to deal with this.”
We both go quiet for a moment, feeling Sydney’s absence like a physical ache.
The post-coital bliss fades as reality seeps in, cold and harsh. Tyler’s strong arms wrap around me but the empty space behind speaks volumes. It’s a Sydney-shaped void, a gaping absence where her body should be tangled with ours, our missing puzzle piece.
I sigh heavily. Tyler stays silent, lost in his own head. I know we’re thinking the same damn thing: how the hell did we let our girl slip away?
“This isn’t over,” I finally say, my voice low but determined. “We can still fix this. Syd belongs with us. We belong together, all of us.”
Tyler lifts his head, a flicker of hope passing across his blue eyes. “Damn straight. I’m not giving up on her, on us. We’ll do whatever it takes to prove how much she means to us.”
My mind races, flipping through ideas like a Rolodex. Grand gestures, heartfelt pleas, skywriting her name...and then it hits me. The big play to end all big plays.
I sit up slowly, my abused knee twinging. “I think I’ve got it, Ty. The move that’ll win our girl back. But I’m gonna need reinforcements to pull this off.”
Tyler props himself up on an elbow, his chest a work of art in the dim light. “Movie gesture moment, for real this time?”
I grin. “You know it.”
As I start revealing the master plan, Tyler’s eyes light up, his grin stretching wide. This crazy scheme might be our Hail Mary pass, but I’ll be damned if we don’t score the ultimate goal.
Sydney back where she belongs, in our arms and in our bed.
Game on.
I stare at my reflection in the full-length mirror critically. It’s my first day at the new addiction counseling center and I want to make a good impression, so I’ve dressed up more than I usually do, and my reflection in the mirror looks more like Selena than myself.
I tuck a stray lock of chestnut hair behind my ear and sigh.
“You’re going to crush this, Syd,” Selena says from her perch on my bed. She’s still in her pajamas, sipping coffee and scrolling through her phone. “You look hot and professional. They’re going to love you.”
I shoot her a grateful smile. “Love you,” I say, grateful that at least all the drama lately has had the side effect of bringing us closer together.
“Love you more. Now go kick some addiction ass!” She smacks my butt playfully as I roll my eyes, grab my purse and head out.
The L ride to the center is a blur. I’m too keyed up to read the novel I optimistically stuffed in my bag. I put in my earbuds instead, cranking up my “Badass Bitch” playlist and trying to psych myself up.
You’re overqualified for this, I remind myself. You’ll be great, you were a get for this role.
I’m feeling cautiously optimistic as I walk up to the converted warehouse that houses the center. But as soon as I step inside, my stomach plummets.
Every TV in the sunny, open concept space is tuned to sports news. And there, larger than life on the biggest screen, is a freeze frame of DJ’s grinning face as he shoots the game-winning goal...
I gulp, feeling dizzy.
Of course. The Blizzards’ unexpected road to the championship is the biggest story in Chicago right now.