Page 53 of Pucking Amazing
Pride swells in my chest as I recount their progress, hard-won through vulnerability and courage.
But my smile fades as my thoughts turn to Mikey.
“I have to admit though, I’m worried about Mikey,” I confess with a sigh. “He still refuses to try group therapy or AA. I haven’t been able to get him to open up at all. And Eva mentioned some behavior that has me concerned.”
Coach’s brow furrows, his expression grave.
“I’ve noticed he’s been withdrawn, irritable,” he says. “You think he’s still struggling with active addiction?”
“I suspect so,” I say grimly. “Addiction is insidious. It thrives in isolation and secrecy. If he won’t let anyone in, won’t admit he needs help...” I trail off, my heart heavy with concern for him.
“What do you recommend?” Coach asks, his troubled gaze reflecting back my same worry. “I don’t want to see the kid throw away his future.”
I’m about to reply when my phone buzzes against my hip. Slipping it out of my pocket, I glance down to see DJ’s name lighting up the screen.
My pulse quickens. Why is he calling me? DJ isn’t the type to call out of the blue, so my instinctual reaction is that something is wrong, either with him or with someone on the team.
“I’m so sorry, Coach, would you excuse me for just a moment?” I say. “I really need to take this.”
He nods understandingly and I step out into the quiet hallway, my thumb already swiping to answer. As I lift the phone to my ear, I can’t help the tingle of anticipation that runs through me.
“DJ? Is everything okay?”
DJ’s smooth voice tickles my ear through the phone.
“Syd,” he purrs, and my knees go weak at the sound of my name in his mouth. “My plans tonight fell through. I’m sitting here all alone with enough sushi for an army. You like Izumi’s, right? The place near my apartment?”
I scoff, even as my mouth waters involuntarily at the thought of their signature dynamite rolls.
“That’s what this is about? God, DJ, I thought something was wrong. But, yes, it’s my favorite sushi spot in the city. How did you know?”
“Oh I have my ways,” he says mysteriously. I can practically hear the cocky smirk in his voice. “So what do you say, want to come keep me company? I promise to be a perfect gentleman.” His voice drops. “Scout’s honor.”
I bite my lip, goosebumps erupting on my arms at his reference to the last time he promised to be a gentleman. Hanging out alone with DJ, just the two of us, is dangerous. Exciting.
“I don’t know, I have an early morning tomorrow...” I hedge.
“Come on, live a little! I’ll have you home before curfew.”
His playful tone is impossible to resist.
My resolve, already weak, crumbles.
“Okay, fine, you’ve twisted my arm. I’ll be there in an hour.”
“Can’t wait.”
What am I doing? My heart hammers as I head back inside to wrap things up with Coach Daniels. I try to convince myself this is totally casual—two friends, some sushi, no big deal.
But deep down, I know I’m only fooling myself.
This growing thing between DJ and I refuses to be ignored, no matter how hard I try to tamp it down. It’s magnetic, constantly pulling us into each other’s orbit against our better judgment.
What would it mean to stop fighting it and see where this gravitational pull takes me?
Two hours later, I find myself spread out across DJ’s bed, totally naked. The sushi he’d ordered sits forgotten on the kitchen counter, abandoned in favor of a much more delectable meal.
When I first arrived, DJ was the perfect gentleman, just like he promised. But we both knew why I was really there. One charged moment, a devilish glint in his eye, and I couldn’t resist going in for a searing kiss.