Page 65 of Pucking Amazing
I stand outside DJ’s apartment, my heart hammering against my ribcage like it’s trying to make a jailbreak. I raise my fist to knock on the door but hesitate, my hand hovering in midair.
I’ve been dreading this ever since I got DJ’s text inviting me over, impending doom sitting heavy in my gut.
Because I know what’s coming. The big reveal about him and Tyler being together.
And where exactly that leaves me—alone on the sidelines, watching the two of them ride off into the sunset together.
I take a deep breath, steeling myself. I can do this. I have to do this.
DJ and Tyler deserve to have a chance at happiness together, no matter how much it hurts to step aside. Those stolen moments between DJ and I, those scorching hot hookups...they can’t hold a candle to the years of history DJ has with his goalie.
I knew what I was getting into from the start.
Another deep breath. In and out. You’ve got this, Syd. With a burst of determination, I rap my knuckles against the door.
A few endless seconds later, it swings open to reveal DJ. His dark hair is perfectly tousled, his chiseled jaw dotted with just the right amount of scruff. He’s shirtless, miles of tattooed muscles and smooth skin on display.
Hockey has been very, very good to him. I have to stop myself from openly ogling his godlike physique.
“Hey Syd,” he greets me, a small smile tugging at his full lips. But I can see the unease in his brown eyes. “Come on in.”
I step inside, my stomach churning with nerves. This is it. The moment of truth.
I open my mouth, the words I’ve rehearsed a hundred times poised on the tip of my tongue. But what comes out instead is:
“I know about you and Tyler. And it’s okay. Really. I’m happy for you both.”
DJ blinks at me, clearly taken aback. He runs a hand through his hair, mussing it further.
Damn him for looking so fucking good without even trying.
He looks down at the floor, a flush rising on his cheeks. “Syd, I...I don’t know what to say. This thing with Ty, it’s new. We’re still figuring it out ourselves.”
I nod, a lump forming in my throat.
“I get it, DJ. And I meant what I said - I’m happy for you. You guys clearly have something special.” I square my shoulders. This is what’s best. “I don’t want to get in the way of that. So I’m going to step back, give you two some space to explore this.”
DJ takes a step closer, his eyes stormy with regret. “Syd, no, that’s not what I want. You’re important to me too.”
“I should go,” I say firmly, turning to leave before I lose my nerve.
“Syd, wait—” DJ calls, just as the door opens again and Tyler walks through.
My eyes widen as Tyler steps inside, looking as surprised to see me as I am to see him. He’s dressed casually in a faded Blizzards t-shirt and jeans, his dark blond hair still damp from a shower. Those piercing blue eyes of his flick between me and DJ, assessing the situation.
“Sydney. Hey.” Tyler’s voice is cautious, hesitant. He shuts the door behind him with a soft click.
DJ clears his throat. “I, uh, asked you both to come over. I think the three of us need to talk. But first… is anyone hungry?” He smiles weakly.
I take a sip of my wine, laughing at Tyler’s story about the puppy he had growing up that ate his science fair project.
“The teacher didn’t believe me even after my parents vouched for me!” Tyler chuckles.
“My childhood dog once got into my secret stash of Halloween candy,” DJ says with a grin. Noticing our alarmed expressions, he hastily adds, “he was fine, puked everywhere before the chocolate made him too sick. But cleaning that up was not fun, and I got in trouble for hoarding.”
“I always wanted a pet, but we moved around too much,” I share wistfully, feeling a twinge of old longing.
DJ reaches over and squeezes my hand. “Well, maybe someday we can get a dog.”