Page 18 of Jack Frost, CEO
The waiter sets the hot chocolate in front of her, and Maisie picks it up, clutching the mug tightly for its warmth.
“Well then, by all means, let’s get you home to your nan.”
I reach for my own mug of coffee, and we sit in companionable silence until a familiar figure enters the room. I stand and meet Marcus in the doorway.
“Mr. McIntyre. I’m so pleased you agreed to meet. Please join us. I hope you won’t be too warm this close to the fire. My companion is finding the cooler temperatures somewhat challenging.” I keep my tone light and my smile wide as I hold out a hand for him to shake.
Marcus McIntyre accepts the gesture before striding over to Maisie, murmuring a greeting while urging her to remain seated. “Of course, I do not mind sitting this close to the fireplace. I wouldn’t want such a lovely woman to be cold. It can take a while to adjust to the temperature differences here if you aren’t used to them. Where are you from, if I may be so bold as to ask?”
I watch Maisie and Marcus chat back and forth about Australia and how Marcus’s family vacations here every year. I’ve seen the same thing with Maisie over the last three months. She’s charm personified. Once they’re in her presence, seeing how anyone can do anything but what she wants is almost impossible. By the time the conversation comes back to me, Marcus is putty in her hands.
“I hate to interrupt, but I don’t want to take any more of your time away from your family than necessary. Shall we discuss the contract?” I set the documentation onto the table and slide it toward Marcus.
“See, Mr. Foster, I like that about you. You respect family time for everyone. I heard stories… how you turned your nose up at the ideals that are the foundation of my company: marriage, family, and commitment to a purpose greater than yourself. That’s the reason I rejected your offer in the first place.” Marcus taps the folder with his index finger.
“Mr. McIntyre, I assure you I value all those things as well. I’m not sure what stories you’ve heard, but they couldn’t be further from the truth!” I’m scrambling, trying to salvage this conversation.
“So, it’s not true that you said you would never get married and have a family because they were an outdated and parochial way to live your life?” Marcus signals the waiter before ordering a Scotch.
“I don’t remember saying those exact words.” I’m stumbling now. “But I can assure you they’re untrue because…”
“He’s engaged to me,” Maisie interrupts, and we both turn to her with our jaws dropped in shock.
Chapter 15
Oh shit. Oh. Shit. Why did I open my big mouth?
Nan was always telling me I needed to think before I spoke. And I always laughed her off. Well, those chickens have come home to roost. Jack stares at me like I’ve grown two heads, while Mr. McIntyre glances thoughtfully between us. I quickly take another sip of my hot chocolate as the silence continues to blanket the table.
“Yes.” Jack clears his throat loudly. “Maisie and I are engaged.”
Mr. McIntyre looks pointedly at my hand. I follow his line of sight to my empty ring finger and offer him a tight smile. “I wanted to use my nan’s ring. She raised me for most of my life and always said she would leave it to me. However, she’s in Australia. We’re heading back for Christmas, and I will get it from her then.”
It’s not really a lie. I’ve loved that ring since I was small. I stare at my finger, imagining it there, and I can feel the tears welling up. Jack tugs me close to his side, and I squeak at the unexpected contact. He kisses my head, and I try to act like this is normal.
“I haven’t heard anything about your engagement. Not even a whisper in the society pages.” Marcus appears to be watching us carefully.
“Maisie has been working for me for several months as she finishes her degree. I didn’t want to subject her to unwanted scrutiny while she was doing so. We fully plan to have an official announcement after the holidays.” Jack moves his arm around my shoulders and settles me firmly against him.
I smile and sip my hot chocolate, refusing to dig deeper into the hole I find myself in.
“Well, that changes things. Let’s put this dull business away.” Marcus takes the contract and tucks it into his briefcase. “Why don’t you and your lovely fiancée join my family today? The boys and I plan to ski, but my wife wanted to check out the spa and shop. I’m sure Maisie would enjoy it as well.”
Without missing a beat, Jack smiles and agrees. “I’ve already set up a charge account with the resort, even though we’re staying in a more remote cabin. We wanted some alone time, so we rented a little spot about half an hour away. I’m sure Maisie would love a day of pampering.” Jack kisses my head again, and I can’t help the butterflies that take flight in my stomach.
We stand up and head back to the lobby, where a gorgeous redhead is waiting with two teens. She seems to fuss at the son while the daughter scrolls on her phone.
“Zan!” Marcus calls out, and the redhead turns and smiles in our direction. “Marcus! That was quick. I didn’t think you’d be ready yet.”
Marcus pulls her close for a kiss before turning to us. “I stumbled upon some happy news. We’re among the first to know that Mr. Foster and the lovely Maisie are engaged!”
The woman, who I now know is his wife, Alexandra, jumps up and down. And I have to smile. It’s contagious. “Well, that is happy news! Congrats, darling!” She gives me a quick embrace and a kiss on the cheek before she turns to her husband again. “Well, if you’re done with business for the day, are you ready to take these two gremlins on the slopes?”
Calista waves her phone at her father. “Dad, I’ve mapped out the slopes I wanna try. Max said he wants to stick with you, but I don’t want to do the hard runs. Can I head out on my own? I’ll keep my phone zipped and my beeper on.”
Marcus smiles at his daughter before pulling her close. “Yes, squidge. That’s fine. You go and do your own thing. Only seventeen and already too good to hang out with your old man.” He ruffles her hair.