Page 35 of Jack Frost, CEO
I click on the email and scan the report on Antony. Which tells me the man’s cheated on his wife with several women—a few of them hookers. He spends most of his nights and money at high-end strip clubs. He has a kept mistress in an apartment on the more fashionable side of town.
The PI ends with all the information he’s found about the state of Antony’s business affairs. Everything my former friend owns is in the toilet and has been for a while. I’ve heard rumors that his last big investments flopped but took them to be just that. Rumors.
The stewardess lays a hand on my shoulder and I look up. “Mr. Foster? We’re about to take off now.”
I nod, ensuring my seat belt is buckled as we taxi down the runway. I’ve spent so many years trying to protect my heart from ever being hurt again, but that all changes now.
If anyone on this planet is worth thawing for, it’s Maisie Mitchell.
Chapter 25
The morning sun shines relentlessly through the balcony doors when I wake up. Wincing, I sit up and drag a hand through my hair. My stomach growls, and I sigh.
I’ll have to order in. But I need to shower first.
Once I’m thoroughly rinsed off, I pad back into the living room while browsing Door Dash to see what’s available. Many places are closed, and that’s when it clicks. It’s Christmas Eve. I’ve always loved Christmas, but this may be the first year that I don’t have it in me to celebrate.
I settle on Maccas before switching over to do a grocery order. I’ll need candy canes, vegemite, and toast to do this right.
After putting away the groceries and devouring a whole Hawaiian pizza later that afternoon, I move toward the living room to settle in when my door buzzes. And I foolishly look around like someone will materialize before quickly pressing the intercom. “Hello?”
“Maisie! Oh, thank God I found you.”
I gasp as my finger flies off the button. It’s Jack. How did he find me? Why is he here?
I push the button again. “What are you doing here, Jack?”
“What do you mean? I’m here for you!”
“Why, Jack? You made your opinion quite clear in Colorado. There was no reason to follow me across the globe just to twist the knife. Go away.”
“Maisie. No. Please. Let me explain, baby, please. Let me in.”
“No, Jack. I’m done. We’re done. The charade is over. Go away.” My hand shakes when I release the button, and I sink to the floor, tears streaming down my face again as Jack’s voice comes over the intercom one more time.
“I’ll go, but I’m not leaving, Princess. I promise I’ll prove to you just how wrong you are.”
I bite my knuckles to keep myself from caving. Even now, when my heart is shattered, I want Jack near me. I stay put, waiting for him to say something else, but I don’t hear his voice again.
Did he leave? I mean, that’s what I wanted, right?
“Right.” I get up and make myself a cup of tea before settling back on the sofa and clicking on Netflix.
Crazy Rich Asians was recently added, and it feels appropriate. An average person getting swept up in a romance with a handsome, wealthy man, only to find out that things aren’t what they seem. At least the movie will end with a happily ever after.
I’ve just reached the part of the movie where Nick’s mum informs Rachel that she would never be enough for the family when the intercom buzzes again. I slam the pillow down and stalk over.
“I said go away, Jack.” I release the button while muttering under my breath.
“Uh, ma’am, my name’s Oliver, and I have a delivery here for Maisie Mitchell?”
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t order anything for delivery?” I’m mortified but… curious.