Page 10 of Playboy Boss
Konrad set his gaze on Scottie, wondering if she would crack under her blatant lie of not knowing him. And why the hell did he care about it so much? When Marisol returned, Scottie would be history. Forgotten. Just another woman he’d interacted with.
The longer he stared at her, the more he knew that couldn’t be true.
“Aren’t they good, Kon?” Pilar snaked her arm around Konrad’s waist, lifting a puff to his lips with her other hand.
He reluctantly opened his mouth, feeling ashamed, not that he had any reason to. He was completely aware everyone looked at him. Pilar purred, running her hand down to his hip bone. All eyes on that motion, too. But only Scottie’s disapproving gaze gave him pause. When Pilar and Melina walked back to the couch a second later, Scottie’s remained, her eyebrows raised. The same way she’d raised it when he’d asked her to send flowers to two different women.
This looks bad. Even he could acknowledge that.
“Looks like Toni needs more champagne.” Fabian grabbed the bottle off the bar and left Konrad alone with Scottie.
Not even a second passed before Scottie said, “You’re the last person I thought I’d run into.”
“‘It’s nice to meet you, sir?’ Are you serious?” He put his scotch glass down.
Scottie glanced at his friends in the living area. “I just thought it would be easier that way.”
“Why?” He supposed he understood her logic. She might be embarrassed. And God knew how much his friends would rag on him later.
“I don’t know … it just is. No need for explanations.” Her gaze lowered to the few remaining puffs. The crew certainly had a voracious appetite. “Besides, I want to be anonymous to your girlfriends.”
Her sarcasm irked him, but her boldness excited him in a way he wasn’t used to. Women were never this hard to get on with. She made it practically impossible.
“And by that you mean…” He waited, refusing to let her look away from him.
She shrugged, shifting her gaze to the living room again, which annoyed him. “I don’t want to get attacked on your behalf.”
“That’s absurd.” Did she really believe that?Damn her judgement of him.
The freckles on the bridge of her nose popped more in the lighting. He’d been so close to her he could count them if he wanted. He dropped his gaze to the rest of her. Black skirt, inches above her knees, displaying smooth tan legs. Nice body confirmed.
And that apron. God, stop it!
Scottie narrowed her eyes at him as if she knew what he was thinking.
“I saw that.” Apparently, she did know.
“What?” He feigned innocence.
“You looked at my legs.” Her voice was tight.
“I noticed them, Scottine. There is a difference.” No, he looked. Actually, he gawked. And he should not.
“It’s Scottie.”
The challenge between them sizzled like a live wire. This was not his office, and they were acting accordingly. Tomorrow, however, they would be in his office. Then what?
Tara called Scottie from the kitchen. She turned, dread on her face. “Have another.” She shoved the last two puffs in his mouth and spun on her heels back to the kitchen.
He watched her ass moving underneath her skirt, mind reeling, as he chewed the hors d’oeuvre seasoned with her fingers. He chewed faster, his body alive with sensations he wished would go away. But he could not take his eyes off her ass. Without a look back to him, she turned the corner and was gone from sight. His heart thumped. This woman. He had no idea what to do with her.
“Konrad!” Antonia called from the living room where everyone had gathered, even Dallas, who stood next to a gorgeous brunette in fitted jeans and a nude-tone crop top.
Konrad had been too submerged in his thoughts—and his very real, very surprising attraction to Scottie—to answer.
Fabian waved him over. “Come here and bring your drink.”
Shit. What was this? An intervention? No way. There was nothing to intervene on. With reluctance, he strode to the living area and sat next to Pilar, who rubbed his thigh casually. He imagined it was Scottie’s hand. For God’s sake.