Page 27 of Playboy Boss
He couldn’t.
“I didn’t get to really talk to you.” He glanced down at her legs.
She uncrossed them, knees shifting in his direction. “I know.” Her eyebrows arched the more she focused on his face. “You aren’t okay, are you? Is it because I met your friends the other night?”
He shook his head. “No. It’s not that.”
Her fingers moved over the console to touch his thigh. When he didn’t touch her back, she pulled away, a frown on her face. “What is it? Tell me.”
He struggled for the words simply because he’d never had to describe these feelings he was having before. “I’m going through something, Pilly. I don’t know. I need to pull away for a little while.” Or forever. He wasn’t sure.
“You don’t want to see me anymore?” Her eyes widened, but she wasn’t emotional the way Tamsin had been.
“I do want to. But not in the same way as before.” The struggle got to him. For the first time, he was raw in front of someone. “I need to put all this to a halt and figure out some stuff in my life. I still want to talk to you, though. I mean, if you still want to talk to me.”
Silence infiltrated the cabin. Not awkward though. It was light and comforting.
“Is it someone else? It’s okay. You can tell me.”
“No… I don’t know.” He shook his head. He could not stop thinking about Scottie. About their time together at the EaDo property. The kiss. He could not stop thinking about how much he wanted her, wanted to kiss her again.
“It’s okay, guapo. I understand.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek.
Before he knew it, she opened the door and closed it, leaving him alone in his car with just his thoughts. And all his thoughts were about Scottie.